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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 6, 2002
Hey guys,

I might buy a freediving video this weekend.So what I was looking for in the video was one that has to do with freedive training.And maybe spearfishing.So does anyone have any favorites?I looked at Pipins' videos on the web and they look nice .I even downloaded a short 4minute movie (Pipin productions' ) and it was great.Thanks guys
Hi Kevin,
I've got a couple of the Pipin videos and they have some good training/spearfishing techniques. I'm sure Terry Maas's video has good training but I'm not sure if has any spearfishing. All my other videos are purely spearfishing.
Thanks Jay,

I too think Terry Maas' video ,"Freediving Made Easy" looks good anyone have it?thanks !!
I've got 2 Terry Maas videos, and are useless as far as training techniques. The "Freediving Made Easy" one is designed for people who know nothing about it. ie he explains what fins are, how to duck dive etc.

Some of the footage in the video is pretty good, I like the bit where he is swimming thru the kelp forrest, looks cool.
Soundtrack is crap.

Can't remember the name of it but saw a video that had footage of Ibizia and also Bret LeMasters record dive( including the failed attempt). Liked this one, no training tips though.

Think you may be best off with the Pipin vid's.

Thanks Walrus .Looks like i'll just have to wait for Pipins' spearfishing volum to come out.At least it looks great.Well thanks guys!
The video of Brett's dive is from the freedive UK website. I think that the video is called "forgotten origins", or somethinglike that. It has a cool sound track and some great footage. I am not too sure about using it for training, but it is a great tool to get you motivated. :D

I also have a bunch of terry Mass's videos. They are for very new divers.

The first Pipin video that I bought was called "Ultimate Spearfishing". I used the things in that video to get down to 75' on my own. Last year I finally got to take Kirk's class and got down deeper. The skills in that video worked, but it didn't talk about buddies at all. Everything that I did before the clinic was on my own. :duh

I would suggest a buddy if you try anything they show in the water.

I have seen on the IAFD website that Pipin has anew video out called "breaking the barrier". I haven't ordered it yet because I am saving up for a monofin instead. Maybe I'll get it later on this summer. Has anyone else seen it yet?

Hi from Miami!

I am currently at the IAFD's headquarters right now on the tail end of my Freedive Instructor Certification with Pipin and the rest of the crew.

I would hightly recommend the latest video, "Breaking the Barrier" as it has provided valuable information on the sport of freediving.

I'll be back home late friday so I hope to let you all know more sometime early next wek.

Til then...
any DVD's?.....

Does anyone know if any of these are available on DVD yet or am I jumping the gun a bit?!!

No DVD yet - I am sure they will eventually...
Can anyone tell me where I can buy any Pipin videos online? Thanks in advance.
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