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Visiting Bahamas need spearing contacts

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Apr 13, 2008
My sister and I are taking my mother on a 3 day cruise to Nassau and I would like to sneak away for a couple hours of freediving and hopefully some spearing. I know slings are the only thing you can use. Would like to hook up with someone and at least dive with them while they hunt as it seems that only residents are allowed to spear. I prefer to stay 35 to 40 feet. Information and contacts wanted.
Tough request considering the short time you will be there and not much around Nassau ...it's fairly well cleaned out by the locals. Try to contact "Chilly Willi" a local colourful Bahamian character used to fulfilling offbeat requests - he runs around the main channel on a colorful little speedboat with flags of different countries flying - I mean lotsa flags - and is fairly well known by locals. He might help you if he's not already booked! The only other option is a tourist diveboat and a 'cannned' dive unfortunately. Goodluck Blumon
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