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Vobster Quay, Somerset

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2006
are there any freedivers in the Vobster quay area who train there at the weekends? If so would you mind if I came along. Chears
contact samdive as she trains at the NDAC in Chepstow which isn't too far to travel.

Emma Farrell is a good contact as she organises the DB courses there so could tell you if there is an established group there yet.

see ya

yes, if you've got your 2 star you are more than welcome to join us at Chepstow, not far from Bristol. All the details are on www.saltfreedivers.com

Its a bit deeper than Vobster so you've got more scope to grow!

Thanks, ive contacted Emma Farrell as Im hoping to do my 4 star course sometime. Chepstow sounds great, ive just got a monofin and im itching to try it out.
OK - next meet is 4/5 Oct, sign up on the saltfree forum if you'd like to come, just need your real name and your depth!

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