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Wahhhhh... my Picasso Nulla Mask doesn't fit

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 7, 2005

I don't have a big head or whatever, I'm just 5'11" and being asian my facial bone structure is a little different.

Having said that, when I put on the mask I feel the mask pressing against my temples and it hurts! Ok, so I'll try not to tighten the straps too tight but I realised that a bit of my eybrows peek outta the skirt.

I really want to have a freediving mask but is this normal fitting for this mask?
If not, which mask should I get for freediving considering my facial bone structure.

Please help,

hi Sang

I taught some of my mates to dive, who were from Malaysia (Malaysian-Chinese). They had the same leaky problem.. and although they are not the most low-profile masks, they finally used the Scubapro masks and found them to be the best. Crystal-Vu and also the Microframe.

Hope this helps :)

You can also contact Wu if you want, and ask him what mask he is using now (send me a PM). :)

SangP said:

I don't have a big head or whatever, I'm just 5'11" and being asian my facial bone structure is a little different.

Having said that, when I put on the mask I feel the mask pressing against my temples and it hurts! Ok, so I'll try not to tighten the straps too tight but I realised that a bit of my eybrows peek outta the skirt.

I really want to have a freediving mask but is this normal fitting for this mask?
If not, which mask should I get for freediving considering my facial bone structure.

Please help,

Hey, what can you tell me about the CrystalVu mask? I'm planning to buy it. Ofcourse I have to try it on first and see how it fits, but is there anything i should know about the mask - any experiences?
Is it good for freediving and scuba?
The Riffe Mantis is very popular on Hawaii - supposed to fit asian faces well.
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