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Wanted Want to buy C4 Mustang foot pockets, size 45-46

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Halibut hunter
Nov 13, 2008
Does any one have a pair lying around not being used?
I'd like to have some for my warmer diving in the summertime.

EDIT: I managed to get hold of a pair of foot pockets from my Norwegian retailer, so don't need these anymore.
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Doesn't anyone have a spare set their not using?

Does anyone have a tip to a good online store that keep them in stock?

my supplier here in Italy has got the new C4 Mustang, thus the Mustang MEGAFORCE T 700 C4

Its best price is Euro 310 and he ships to the US.

If interested, let me know and I'll add details. I often have shipped to friends of forum.

Otherwise there's much probably more than someone who's willing to sell them used among my friends but you said you'd prefer them new, right?

Hope I've helped.

Regards from italy.

Hi spazio

I only need the foot pockets, I already have the fins with a bigger size foot pocket for cold water diving. The 45-46 foot pockets I was planning to use in the summer, and when I go abroad.

As long as the foot pockets are in good condition, I'm fine with buying used ones.
hi anders,

then the suppliers has got new mustang footpockets in stock for euro 110

if you want, I can contact him for exact postage (I guess it will be around euro 30)

payment can be made with paypal or as you wish


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