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Wanted Wanted:Dive Computer for Spearfishing

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Rubber Bandit
May 26, 2010
I'm looking for a wristop dive computer like Suunto D4 or Aeris F10. I'm willing to pay up to €200(euro) plus postage. Must be in excellent condition with no scratches on the display.
For 200€, you can have a new one, not necessary to buy a second hand one. The F.10 can be found for less than 200€ new - for example here at Leisurepro, they sell it for $275, which is currently 195€. Or you can buy the Uwatec/Scubapro Aladin 2G, which can be found for around 200€ too. Again, at Leisurepro they sell it here for the equivalent of 215€, but you may find it in European stores for a similar price. It is similarly feature rich as the F.10 (and much more than the D4), and additionally it supports scuba, and you do not need to buy the data cable, since it comes with a standard infrared interface. It means you save another 70€ for the cable.
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Thanks for the advice Trux, I read in one of your posts somewhere that there may be a new model coming on to the market soon...can you say if thats the case or are you sworn to secrecy :).
Well, there is indeed the F.10 v2 that is already being beta tested by some people. But I suspect especially at the beginning it will be more expensive than the v1 that is now available for an amount much lower than the catalogue price. On the other hand, Fondueset wrote that it will come with the data cable. We'll have to wait a bit to see the price.

But I was writing about another new freediving computer that will come out. I am not authorized to reveal any details yet, and have also no idea about the date - I think it will be minimally several months before we see it. So if you need a computer for this season, it may not be worth of waiting for it.
The spec on the Aladin is excellent, would you rate it as a good computer for apnea. How does it stack up against the D4, I know its looks are not as good but I won't be entering any beauty contests when I'm out spearfishing...plus it looks very neat. Its my first dive computer so I'm a bit bewildered with all the choice, your help and advice is greatly valued and appreciated.
From my personal point of view, the Aladin 2G is the best choice. It offers without any doubts the best value/price ratio. In functionality only the F.10 is comparable (the v2 perhaps slightly better thanks to the adjustable activation depth), but Aladin does not need a data cable, and offers also scuba modes. And it is a Swiss-made computer. Well, I do not know whether it is really manufactured in Switzerland, but even if it is not, Swiss brands still perhaps represent certain warranty of quality.

The only disadvantage of the Aladin is that it is a relatively ugly watch, so you would probably not use it for a daily use. I could not care less, since I never use watches on dry land anyway, but some people are more picky about the look.

This is my unbiased opinion - I am not in any affiliation neither with Uwatec, nor with any other company manufacturing freediving computers. Well, I could be perhaps biased towards Liquivision computers, but that's currently another category.
I certainly appreciate your unbiased advice in choosing a computer and your comparison chart is one of the first guides that I go to when looking up a potential buy.
I'm not worried about how it looks as I wear a casio sea pathfinder out of water to tell me the tide times and barometric pressure in case the weather is about to change (doesn't happen too often in Ireland :t). So I guess my best choice is the Aeris F10 or the Aladin 2G. A quick check and I've seen both in Europe for a little over €200 + shipping, to buy from the states I'd end up having to pay customs import tax and a more costly shipping charge, unfortunately it takes away the benefit of cheaper prices.
I remember someone posted a link to a store in Belgium or Netherlands, where they sell the 2G for 210€, but I cannot find it right now. But you may find it searching a bit more
Couldn't find any for that price...best so far is scubastore.com for €225 for the 2G.
I know the header says Aladin 2G so maybe its just they have their pictures mixed up but that looks like the older Tec 2 they have displayed. It seems like a very good price if thats the newer Aladin 2G.
I got my new dive computer over the weekend, its a Mares Nemo Excel...it came down to getting a good deal on it (less than half price) and it being more than sufficient for my needs and although it wasn't really a factor in my decision it has a very stylish appearance. Thanks again Trux for the advice and your comparison page.
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