Hello all you experienced monofinners.
I am new to monofin-swimming and I'm going to order a "Waterway Nemo Freediver Wing" in shoesize L EU (41-43) since I read so much good in here about this classic-style fin and that it's a pretty comfortable fin as well.
The only thing I am not sure about is about what blade-stiffness I should order the fin in. I read some comment somewhere stating that this fin in hard (3) is much to hard, and that even medium (2) seems to be hard for a Nr.2-fin.
So I can't make up my mind between a Soft (1) and a Medium (2).
I am an experienced freestyle swimmer but I'm new to monofinning. I will use this fin mostly in the pool but also outdoors from time to time, on the watersurface and underwater (as soon as my breath holding power will go up...). I don't plan to do any monofin-competitions in the future and will use the monofin only for pure enjoyment and to play around under water like a dolphin. When using the fin on the surface I want to use it to learn the correct dolphin movement and to get some abdominal-workout as well. I still want to feel as much flexible and agile as a dolphin as possible.
Can anybody help me and give me his advice or even his experience with this particular fin from Waterway?
That would be great
I hope get some tipps.
Thanks a lot in advance,
I am new to monofin-swimming and I'm going to order a "Waterway Nemo Freediver Wing" in shoesize L EU (41-43) since I read so much good in here about this classic-style fin and that it's a pretty comfortable fin as well.
The only thing I am not sure about is about what blade-stiffness I should order the fin in. I read some comment somewhere stating that this fin in hard (3) is much to hard, and that even medium (2) seems to be hard for a Nr.2-fin.
So I can't make up my mind between a Soft (1) and a Medium (2).
I am an experienced freestyle swimmer but I'm new to monofinning. I will use this fin mostly in the pool but also outdoors from time to time, on the watersurface and underwater (as soon as my breath holding power will go up...). I don't plan to do any monofin-competitions in the future and will use the monofin only for pure enjoyment and to play around under water like a dolphin. When using the fin on the surface I want to use it to learn the correct dolphin movement and to get some abdominal-workout as well. I still want to feel as much flexible and agile as a dolphin as possible.
Can anybody help me and give me his advice or even his experience with this particular fin from Waterway?
That would be great
Thanks a lot in advance,