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Waterways Freedom Model 2 or Waterways Powerblades for depth?

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New Member
Feb 9, 2005
Waterways Model 2 or Waterways Powerblades for depth?

i am currently using some picasso starts and ive taken them to about 25m but this year i would like to be diving 35-40m and i thought some new fins may help me get there.
The two fins in the topic are in my price range and are not to hard to get where i live. I cannot try the fins on so i will have to order them without seeing them so i was wondering if anyone has had experiece with these fins and could tell me whats best for depth diving.
I know i will need some practice with a mono but if the end result is better than bi fins i would rather go with them
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The pwer blades would help, but where did you find a link on the "freedom 2". I don't see that one their site- at least the one I ordered from?

I have a waterway LD#2 and it has a good snap to it. I even used it under the ice yesterday.:) Footpockets on mine take some, a lot, getting used to.

Oh, That's the fin I have.:duh

I've justnever heard it called the "Freedom" before and thought you were talking about their fin with the full foot pockets on it that I've seen pictures of but never saw a price for.

It's a good mono with lots of kick to it, but nowhere near as comfortable as the bi-fins your looking at. I guess tyou need to decide what you want to do as far as your diving goes.

IF it's just for going up and down then the mono would be great. If you are looking for a better fin than what you have, for spearing and photography as well as just general diving where your putting in a lot of water time, then you might be better served witht he bi-fins.

I don't know if I helped you at all, I might have just made it more confusing with my last post, but I hope I helped.

Reactions: Erik
are monofins really that uncomfortable? i proberly would be using them all day like i i do with my picassos when spearing but i would like to use them for about 2 hours atleast.

what is the difference between the waterways powerblades and the nemo fins?
If you are going to use a mono for 2 hours then I would recommend one with omer footpockets (or the footpockets where you totally insert your foot rather than use a strap over the heal). I can wear this type of fin for over 2 hours no prob whereas 45 mins is about my max with the heal strap mono (like the waterway you are considering). I don't know if waterway do omer footpockets but I know for sure that specialfins do (www.specialfins.com).

Hope that helps,
i found a place i can get the specialfin dolphin mono that is in my price range but i cant afford to get the omer pockets.
whats the dolphin like compared to the model 2?
I have both. The regular dophin is ok for learning how to monofin and for generally messing around in. It is soft and easy on the feet (despite not having omer footpockets) but it is not very powerful.

...and the waterway is a more powerful fin but you are giving up comfort for the power. I get cramps in a waterway in my feet after about 45mins-1hr.

Perfect for you I think is the 'coloured monofin' from specialfins but it is pricey :head
i have a pair of powerblades, stiffness 3. i would say the stiffness is comparable to the black gara 2000, or maybe stiffer, but be aware that waterway is not very consistent in the way they work the fiberglass, so it might be that you order a number 3 and is much softer than mine, or stiffer even. anyways, my fins are too stiff for me, but i'm a girl, so if you are a big guy they might be ok for you.
what i don't like much is that the blade is flat, so there's no angle between blade and footpocket, and i noticed that it gives a stress on my ankle and foot, and kicking effort seems to be bigger than with an angled fin of the same stiffness.
in any case, 35/40 mt is not a depth for which you need a particular fin...as long as your diving technique is ok. equipment is not the key...but if you really want to get a new piece, than get yourself a monofin; once you get a decent technique you'll feel like flying underwater!