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We dont need safety divers anymore........ !

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New Member
Oct 22, 2002
( Here surposed to be a vacky smiley ) We dont need safety divers anymore........ !

Well - I where thinking of how to make a simple system to create a safer system for freediving, and i think that i have found a good solution to ensure the divers and to lower the cost of techdivers during competitions, training ect ect..

I call the system "The Timo Jattu Counterweight system" - It just had to have a long name... :duh

Anyway the a decription can be found on my website www.freediving.dk or www.freediving.dk/forum to go directly to the forum..

Hope that you can use it... and you can find it under the topic setup...

Best regards

Timo Jattu..
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Well - The "counterweight" word is the same is the same but the system if not, as far as i can see the systems you reffering to are are either requiering the divers to winch up the diver or is simply to slow to funtion good... The d.g. petersen drawn system is pretty close to my system, but there is still some changes.... and its adaptable to all sizes ropes, weights ect.. ill think that it is a cleaner and stronger setup.. So its only a 60% brand new idea....

Are you kidding ? 95%, approximately, Captain, of the innumerable blackouts I've seen happened after the divers had surfaced.

All it takes for an unconscious person to drown is about 1 inch of depth - enough to submerge the airways. A soup bowl will work just fine.

This device, and the ones currently in use are swell, but cannot possibly eliminate the need for human support of the blackout victim.

"We don't need safety divers anymore....." is not even funny. It gives me the willies to even read those words.

Hi Paul - I gues that you haven´t read my text - please do that before replying again. Thanks..

If you did read my text you woud have noticed that i where talking about the techdivers at the bottom..

"Well many competitions are quite expencive because of the high cost of tech divers, safety divers and more but creating your lines like the following will eliminate the use of techdivers as safety .... of cause a safety freediver will still be needed.. and for the deeper dives a normal scubadiver......." Quote me

In advance thanks !

could you please give me a direct link to your system or sent it to me. We are also using a counterweight system in Austria, with divers no deeper the 50m for the records and usually no scuba divers for training.


Lots of people won't read all your text. Lots of people don't have lots of time on their hands. Lots of people scan headlines only.

That, sir, is why the character string " We don't need safety divers anymore" is alarming to me.

It's what caught my eye. It's what will catch lots of peoples' eyes.
It is all lots of people will see.

It is similar to the tabloid newspaper headline:


...with, at the bottom of a long paragraph describing the potential consequences of such a device being detonated in such a place, the embedded text ".....this according to the Gambian taxi driver who took me to my Las Vegas hotel."

I've already had 3 emails from readers who saw that "safety divers not needed and called my attention to it.


Hi Herbert - Yes no problem, well a little iwe just crashed my corel draw, either im going to fix the drawing or do a new in the hand...

I´we just added two drawings where the system is illustratet, the drums is the same as used on ships all around the world and the winch, must be anything simple and heavy duty.. www.freediving.dk/counterweight.jpg and www.freediving.dk/counterweightsled.jpg - Very shitty drawing but its late and im not sleeping with my head on the keyboard.... and i have likely forgotten something important. Opps ill forgot to write that you can remove the weelguide above the heavy weight and move the drum/wrinch there instead and in that way safe some weight....

Hi Paul - Yes its a little provo, but thats me - Im a provokative kind of diving dude ! If i find a text with a heading thats catches my interest i read the text - i have not heard of anybody reading the frontpage of newspaper and not the text in the paper.... Its fine if people only read the header, but then i also expect them not to have any opinion about it before reading the text.. And i did realy expect the smiley in the header, to show that it where not the full truth..... I will change it to the :duh Smiley - if the Green happyface smiley didnt do the trick...
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