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Weighting question seems a lot

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2020
I am 75kg = about 170 pounds or so. I wear a rob Allen stinger suit. I live far from the ocean so it’s been difficult experimenting with weight and buying them too (I was way too light on weights for a long time).

I finally came to the weight of 4 kg on my belt!! I dive up to only about 20 feet down. 4 kg seemed like a lot to me and I have been trying to figure why it is so much, again only wearing a Lycra suit. I do have cheap plastic fins that could make a difference.

One question I have could it be the volume of my lungs that is throwing me off? Or is 4kg more reasonable than I am thinking?

Thanks for any input on this I don’t have any dive buddies to bounce this stuff off of.

And I am diving in ocean water btw.
It sounds like you arwe overthinking the problem. If you need 4kg, then that's how much you need.
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Some people are naturally more buoyant than others, including me. Don't let others tell you that "you have too much weight". The rule of thumb is to be neutral at 1/2 the depth that you are diving. Salt water, wetsuit thickness, your own buoyancy will all effect this. You just have to figure it out by trial and error.
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It sounds like you arwe overthinking the problem. If you need 4kg, then that's how much you need.
Agreed, it is what it is, don't worry about it. I need so little weight in the ocean and sooo much in the pool. Given one value estimating the other is useless in my case even accounting for differences in depth of neutral buoyancy and salt vs fresh, etc.
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