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Weights on back for DYN?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
After looking at the photos from the latest WC, I noticed Alexey's weights which were velcroed on his back.

I've been wondering for a while if having weights on the back is better than weight belt/neck weight - in fact my easiest DYN ever was while carrying a weight belt on my back! (don't ask lol)

1. Is there a reason not more freedivers use this configuration in DYN? It looks like it should be optimal... (I personally hate the feeling of a neck weight around my neck too)

2. Has anyone tried using spearfishing/freediving weight vests in DYN? Are there any with better profiles (ie low drag) than others?
Simon, I've designed a new freediving wetsuit incorporating that idea, and some others.

The suit will be a 3 into 1 solution, the suit for dynamic, static and depth. Instead of bringing 2 or 3 suits to an event like the WC, 1 will do...

I think it will become a 'hit'.. I'll receive the suit from Aqualandwetsuits late October.
I'll do a video review of it.

No more blocked neck arteries, no more belts constricting hips, no more strained necks, more hydrodynamic, have the weight where the buoyancy resides.

However I don't know if there is enough space for huge horse shoe shaped weight Goran is employing ;)
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Sounds great Kars - looking forward to the review. Have you had any experience with the existing weight vests like Omer etc?
I've not used any weightvests, due to economics, but I've made my first own back-weight in 2004.
This night I slept really short, because I had another racing inventive mind. I came up with two more good idea's, that I've not seen anywhere else yet.
Still my quest for a comfortable, yet functional noseclip remains, though some sketchy ideas for that exist too.

I guess I'm in a creative flow, working on all sorts of inventions and constructions. Today my E 100,- underwater video system to be used for a short spiritual freedive film. The script was drawn up last Saturday, another near sleepless night..
Was it just velcro how the weights were attached to the suit?
I think so, but you need to ask Alexey.

One can buy several strengths (quality, classes) of velcro.
To me it appeared that each block had enough surface contact area in relation to each weight. But the question is: should we call Alexey a humbback whale?