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Weird Fish...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Looks like a conger-shark to me:

After seeing this rather strange footage of a 'prehistoric' shark, known as the frill shark, I'm left here wondering what the hell is still out there that we haven't discovered yet...

Perhaps some sort of mutant spider crab-mullet or something (like a gurnard but with claws...)..?!?

Anyway, if anyone has any pictures or experiences of an encounter with an abnormal fish or crustacean, this is the place to post them!!

It'll be interesting to see how many 3 clawed crabs (we've got one in the Fowey Aquarium, Cornwall), albino and abnormal coloured fish are seen out there!

:friday Happy Hunting,:friday

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Honestly - I think it looks like a fake :naughty. Look at the way it took no notice at all of the diver and the way it moved so clumsily in a straight (motor driven) line. I think someone is having a laugh.
There is some weird things in that there sea!
I have heard rumour of Tuna that can and will actually eat humans, can't see it myself, they look so innocent


  • killer tuna.jpg
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Yes it died when it was captured, the story is knocking about on a couple of other threads from yesterday
Honestly - I think it looks like a fake :naughty. Look at the way it took no notice at all of the diver and the way it moved so clumsily in a straight (motor driven) line. I think someone is having a laugh.

nah im pretty sure it is a geniune specimen... i saw the same footage on BBC news. And i think they said it is usually found at around 800meters... so im not suprised it doesnt look too happy

its all fun and games until the conger got carried away and jumed the poor nurse
I was on an trawler doing deepwater trials west of Ireland in 2003 and we caught one of these creatures, it wasn't very big maybe 6ft long but it was extremely flexible and had those weird tri-cuspid teeth.
I gave it to the Irish Museum of Natural History in Dublin.
They are extremely strange looking sharks though and very primitive looking.
The Parancistrus aurantiacus Xanto (don't know the common name) is very strange-looking. I posted some links on this thread. It can be dark coloured, but if the water quality is very good it loses its colour until it is golden/peach coloured all over except the dark eyes.

Honestly - I think it looks like a fake :naughty. Look at the way it took no notice at all of the diver and the way it moved so clumsily in a straight (motor driven) line. I think someone is having a laugh.

that's pretty much it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scW5v7FLWwI&NR]YouTube - the Deep Sea Frill Shark[/ame]

Reactions: naiad
There are many strange looking creatures in the very deep ocean. Think of the enviroment that the animals have to survive in.
Unknow creatures not many large ones the trawlers are dragging every square inch of the sea.
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