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welch hoilday, speargun choice advice

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Jul 8, 2007
hi all
im going on hoilday with family on 26th this month, ive never spearfished in wales, uk before, ive done alot of spearfishing in the med and all my spearguns are in storage in spain, i found a few guns: omer excaliber 2000 75cm, 90cm, 100cm, 110cm and omer caymen 75cm, 90cm, all are under £85 were going for a wks hoilday so i probably wont use the gun again until i go greece nxt yr or find time for another hoilday so im just looking for a good cheap realiable gun to buy online to bring with me, ive heard the 75-90cm gun is best used in uk and wales, is this so?, any websites or help wood be great, cheers lads
For wales go definitely for a 75cm. 90cm is too long to my point of view.
hi dario, yh the 75 seems like a good choice, i have a 75 in spain which i use alot around rocks and caves, judging by where were going on hols its near rocks, would do you think of a 82cm gun, for dat extra bit of length
I'm actually using an 85cm at the moment with a 115cm spear so the spear usually is set on the 75cm by the most of the companies so you have same lenght of the whole gun (it also depends on the handle) but a bit longer shots.
two guns ive seen is one : omer caymen and omer excaliber 2000, which one wood you say wood be best, im thinking the caymen
two guns ive seen is one : omer caymen and omer excaliber 2000, which one wood you say wood be best, im thinking the caymen

The cayman series are lovely guns. Fine Italian craftsmanship and a joy to use. Very accurate as guns go and quite powerful.
thanks for all your good advice, much apreciated!!!
got another question, im looking for a good realiable cheap underwater camera/video to make some movies, do ye know any good english website where i can purchase one asap
ive opted for the beuchat marlin now, made my order its coming on tuesday, bit more money but very good investment i think