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Wessex Spearfishing Club 2009

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Hey Joe

Good to see you on here, its about time. Yeah, the little monkeys are good thanks. Hows Heather and Angus? good i trust. Unfortunately for me i can't do the next 5 tuesday's but there'll be more fish in by then anyway, and hopefully some decent local vis.
Anyone diving this weekend?

Bit windy for me Paul, unless you know any spots that are diveable in a Force 5 Southerly??? If so, please give me a shout!!

Where are we diving next Tuesday then chaps - northerly wind forecast again!!! :)
Hi Rick,

Inside Portland harbour up close to the new sailing academy slipway could be worth a quick dip? You interested?
I will leave it up to you experts, as long as i dont have to walk to far from car to water and back i dont mind, just want to get in again !!!

let me know and i will be there
Welcome aboard Joe! Look forward to meeting you.

Soooooo...it's Tuesday tomorrow, the wind is forecast light from the northeast for the evening, but with a small westerly swell running.

Where's it going to be and who's in? Same place, same time?
I'm not going to get the time to dive tomorrow, but it would be nice to meet up and say hi :inlove

cheers Joe
Hi All,

I might be able to attend depending on the location...


hi guys, sorry been in greece spearfishing for the last 10 days (someones got to do it!), cant make this tuesday (short on brownie points!). But up for future planned dives
Ok so where for this evening then?, boscombe pier looks nice and calm today and i can just make out the seabed, but i expect the purbecks will be better and more interesting, will leave it to the experts again eh


Nice one, Paul.

Are we meeting in the Peveril Point car Park, or Belle Vue Road for the zig zag path?

18.00 suits me fine!
Belle Vue Road for the zig zag path is the cheapest idea - so think we should meet there - Broughy is icking me up. Rick are u going straight there? or do u want to meet up with us on route? Any one else going - UK Spearo (as it was your idea)?
I'll put the word out!

I'm coming straight from work, Paul, so I'll just meet you there. Thanks for the offer...see you at 6.