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West Mids Spearo's

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Sep 2, 2005

i'm looking for spearo's in the west mids looking to car share to wales, the journey to Anglesey can be a real bore on your own.

Nobody replied to you?Hope you got at least some PMs, anyway you're welcome to join me. I'm in manchester and travel to NW every weekend. The fun is almost finished but am still going. PM me and we'll go!:)
im in Warrington if that helps, dont go that oftern but do when i can.
do you work for Tescos?
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Hi Guy's,

Thats so weird I only just got the notification by email that I had messages on the forum, I've been out of action for a while with the worst cold ever, blood in the snot etc... disgusting. I think it might be getting a bit cold now, but i might be convinced to get in the water if there is are any fish out there to be speared.

Happy hunting

If you have special powers to see through muddy waters I'm sure there're still mullets and occasional bass but do ya?
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