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Wet Suit for indoor training

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Active Member
Mar 23, 2007
Hallo everyone,

During the winter time we are training in the pool with water temperature about 27-28C. For static I'm using my 5mm beuchat suit. But its impossible to train dynamic with this suit (too much weight, not comfortable to keep arms in front of me during DYF - its just too big and for hunting:)).
And in DYF trainings I'm getting cold and results go down.

I plan to get Elios suit for this kind of training
I have 2 options in mind
1. 3mm yamamoto or heiwa, slide/opencell
2. 2mm reversible slide/nylon

I afraid that 1st option might be too big, and in second option can still get cold.
It should also be a suit for competitions. And need 4kg of weight without any suit for DYF.

Dear forum members, please advice what is better to choose.
Thanks in advance.
grim, you can check out the thread I started a while back. I had the same problem as you, couldn't decide which suit and thickness to get. Do check it out. I do not know how to link, but the title is '3mm or 5mm'? You can search for it. Cheers!
Hi grim,

Are you sure you need even a 2 mil full suit? I train in about the same temp with a 1 mil two piece, short legged Riffe suit. It has a hood, but I don't always use it. It doesn't fit nearly as well as a normal freediving suit. Doing dynamics with long rest periods, I'm fine for about an hour +. I'm long, verry skinny and cold natured.

Less is better if it will keep you warm. One warning on 1 mil suits and I think 2 mil will be similar. They stretch pretty badly. Be prepared to cut out some rubber after a long period of use.

Good luck with it.

Read your topic Salibandy, nice one, shortly main idea was to get nylon/opencell but reverse suits are not much covered . Anyone has experience with it?

Connor, here is pretty cold and I am even more used to 7mm suit outdoors of course, but still the idea of 1mm makes me freeze right now. Also this suit should be for static training also ~40min static.

Elios options for nylon line (Neoflex)
1,5mm,2mm,3mm nylon/opencell (can be super stretch nylon)
Heiwa and yamamoto
3mm slide/opencell - can be special coating for better sliding in the water

Whats the difference in sliding between nylon and yamamoty.heiwa suits? Will I get 10% better results (dynamic )?

Thanks everyone
Yeah, I didn't really toy with the idea of a reversible. I'm too afraid of cold to even try. I'm getting the SuperSkin/open cell in 3mm just for pool training.
I am afraid you will be too warm in 3mm wetsuit, and that means not only higher heart rate, but also weaker diving response. Personally, I do not need any wetsuit for dynamics at such temperatures, but those who are more sensitive, usually use either a cheap 1 or 2 mm surfing suit with short sleeves and legs, or a 0.5mm or 1mm triathlon or swimming suit with long legs but usually without sleeves. You also get such suits much cheaper - you can find a shorty below 20€, and a long leg suit for some 60€.
Is it a heated pool? I saw some really cool long lycra swimsuits for training, (specially for swimming training).

I cant remember the brand but I know that Nike were making them as well.
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I use a 1.5mm elios and it is fine for those temps. Even works for open water diving in warmer water (let's say 25+). I find 3mm too thick for pool, you loose the "feeling" of water, it get's toasty and finding a good balance becomes trickier. The less suit you have, the less buoyancy difference and thus easier to find a good balance.

So my recommendation would be 1.5mm elios suit, can't really go wrong with that. Even a shorty might do...If you need to do static, break out the 5mm again.
I for one do not train in a heated pool. It gets terribly cold, at least to me. I do not even survive in a 2mm scuba suit, but then again, it's quite loose and water flows readily through it.
A tight well fitting 0.5 - 1 mm wetsuit will warm you better than a loose 2mm scuba suit, ít will be more stretchy/comfortable, and much more hydrodynamic.
I know. But it's more of me being very intolerant to cold than the suit. Thanks though. I've already ordered an Elios, so I'll just use that suit.

By the way, will doing statics in a warm pool be of any use? I understand that the dive reflex only works when your face has been immersed in chilly water. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Ditto on the 3 mil being much too warm. The type of fresh water diving I do is almost like practicing static and my 3 mil elios is good for 2 hours + in water temps much much colder than 28 c. Too warm in the water is pretty obnoxious, not to mention cuts your performance.
