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Wetsuit and Kit Problem

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New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Hi! I'm Adam and I'm 14. I have just started getting into surfing and diving - going to Cornwall in the summer so thought I would give it a go. My next door neighbour has a spare surf board and takes me surfing as often as we possibly can. But my problem is my diving gear - and a wetsuit.

The wetsuits I borrow are usually old, ripped and smelly - which isn't nice to wear. I was looking today on the net - and came across a few, but they were all about £100. To be honest, I haven't got £10, never mind £100.

I also want to get into things like freediving and normal diving - but can't find any really cheap kit. Boots, gloves, socks and fins are really expensive for a kid of my age!

I don't mean to sound like a blagger, but I was wondering if any of you have any old wetsuits and other kit that you are prepared to send to me for pretty much nothing - my budget is very very small. Nothing has to be top notch - just something so that I can get into the sport. Looks really fun and exciting, but its too cold to go out into the sea in just swimming shorts!

Thanks for all your help, and hopefully some positive news on the way!
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Hi Milsy, it's nice to see young blood in the sport. Not that I'm very much older than you. I'm sure there are some very nice people in the forum who will have stuff for you.

However, let me tell you my story.

I was brought to be independent. When I was your age, when I wanted something, I did what I could to get it. This meant working to get money to spend. I don't think my family had extra money to spend when I was a kid (there's 4 kids in the house), so the decision to work is natural.

However, working at your age is not easy. You've got school amongst other things to worry about. I managed to cope. You'll have to decide for yourself if you can.
Hi Milsy, it's nice to see young blood in the sport. Not that I'm very much older than you. I'm sure there are some very nice people in the forum who will have stuff for you.

However, let me tell you my story.

I was brought to be independent. When I was your age, when I wanted something, I did what I could to get it. This meant working to get money to spend. I don't think my family had extra money to spend when I was a kid (there's 4 kids in the house), so the decision to work is natural.

However, working at your age is not easy. You've got school amongst other things to worry about. I managed to cope. You'll have to decide for yourself if you can.

Hi salibandy! Thanks for your quick reply!

What you said is very true - I do need to be independent. But the law states over here in the UK that you can't be paid for work until you are 16. Believe me, I've tried to get jobs, but shown the door fairly quickly! And now with GCSE coursework to do, its gonna be a bit of a struggle
Is that true? I thought places like McDonalds take in people at 14? I might be wrong. Over here it does, and I believe our law here is close to yours, being that you British used to own the place.
Before getting a "real" job I was quite successful with mowing neighbours' lawns, taking out dogs, going shopping for old ladies, etc... Just go and ask people, they will likely support the initiative. :)
sounds duff I know, but I had two paper rounds to pay for the toys I wanted as a kid.... I'm down to just one now though ;)

(first part is true)

i bought my first suit on ebay, it was not too good but got me through the first 9 months of diving. Check the local paper too. If you are really keen anything will do, you may just get cold a bit quicker
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sounds duff I know, but I had two paper rounds to pay for the toys I wanted as a kid.... I'm down to just one now though ;)

(first part is true)

i bought my first suit on ebay, it was not too good but got me through the first 9 months of diving. Check the local paper too. If you are really keen anything will do, you may just get cold a bit quicker

Had a look in the apaper - nothing.

McDonald's upped their age two years ago - to protect kids being abused by customers.
Oh. I see. Well then do like sanso suggests. Otherwise, you could sell stuff. I guess.
Hi Millsy, Here's a thought for you, find out if there are any local freediving groups nearby your location. Here in Wisconsin (the states) there a group of us that gets together from time to time with equipment that some one no longer uses or has grown to big for, ect. You might be able to pick up something used for a good price.

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