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Wetsuit customised

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
Hi all just had my Rob Allen 3mm wetsuit top customised to make it fit better. Othree in Weymouth Dorset did the custom repair. They said it would take two weeks to complete the customisation. I dropped it off Monday and picked it up Friday (4 days later) they did an awesome job and the suit is tighter and more comfortable. The repair cost £30.

So a big thank you to the staff at Othree for a top job and service that is second to none. Would recommend them to anyone and they ship world wide also.

On a different note has anyone else had a problem with the 3mm olive green RA suits being too big around the shoulders and neck area??? Or is it just me and my "unique body shape"??

every1 i know that has got 1 mate! i did clives b4 i left otree titus suit is the same and if u look at there pics every1 that has 1 on all have the same problem. good suits once adjusted tho value for money!! now gotta get a 3mm spear suit of my own! if any 1 knows of any smurf size 1s going let me know pls