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Wetsuit options

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I want to know more about the options available, this is confusing for the first time buyer / newbie.

High waist pants VS. long johns

What are the pros and cons. And for what reasons do different people decide on them?

Hood attached VS. detachable. same quetions

What are the pros and cons. And for what reasons do different people decide on them?

I realize poeple and situations / envirments and budgets differ greatly
I just want to hear about why different people choose different options,
not why this is better because.....

I would appreciate your views in helping me choose the right wetsuit.

I can find lots of info about open cell Vs lined, but not much about the other options.

What are you wanting to use your suit for? Freediving or spearing? How cold of water do you go in?

For me (a spearo), I like the extra warmth that farmer johns give (one has a double layer on the core). But those who go for longer breath holds mention that the extra layer gives them some restriction on the breath up & opt for the high pant.

For the connected hood vs not connected, if you are going where you will normally wear a hood, I would opt for the connected version...no water infeltration...I've never worn one that did not have a connected hood (mostly in colder water), so I'm not the best judge on this one.

Good luck. I've been very happy with my custom Elios.

I'm going to use the suit for spearing. Spring / Summer / Fall. Not brave enough for winter.

How cold of water do you go in?
I don't really know. No one I know goes in the water, and I have a bit of a language barrier with the locals. but it is the Japan sea. Lots of snow in winter/ hot humid summers. The air temp outside now (fall) is around 16 degrees C. In Summer Around, up to 35 C.
Is there somekind of rough method of telling the water temp from the air temp?
Anyway I wont / don't want to go in the water after Nov. Seas too rough and too cold for me.

I was thinking A suit I could use all year except for winter. And I thought a hood might be too hot in summer, 3mm open cell, detachable hood. is what I thought might be best.
Thats why I want to know what others do.

Thanks pinggene.
I wouldn't be afraid of attached hood. Last year I spent few months in Hawaii and my buddy and I both always used a hoods and we never felt too hot (in that time I had detachable and he had attached). Now I have also attached.

Long john versus high waist - I would choose (and in fact I did) high waist. Very useful when you need to discharge some water liquids.