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Wetsuit too big!

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Jun 22, 2003
Now what can I do if my wetsuit doesn't fit to my skin on my neck? That part is a bit too large. The problem is if i let some water in my hood all that goes down. I had no problem in summer when the water in good but in winter it's cold and it's not good.
How can i solve this???? Please!?!?!
You can send it to a place that can make the alterations, though I am not sure about that in Croatia being that I am in the US, or you can do it yourself. Neoprene is very easy to cut and then glue back together. There are a number of posts pertaining to doing your own sewing job. I would search under "wetsuit repair", and "wetsuit alterations". Use a really flexible glue, do not use Aquaseal! I use Seam Grip Seam sealer and it works really well.
Just one more question about your previous post:
I have a Omer Mimeticco Med so what should i do about that masked part?
I didn't express myself good (I have a treeible english):head :duh
I ment that masked textile?
Hope it was successful explanation:hmm
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