trux, although it becomes quicker for the development of the monofin with 3D computer simulations, hydrodynamic tests, and multiple tests with professional freedivers, I still believe it can be achieved by anyone with the determination, it just takes time, effort. That's my initial reason for posting, as I plan to make a monofin, and orginally I was going to make a "regular" monofin, but I saw opportunity to possibly improve on the design, and the whale tail shape was the first question that I thouhght of.
Would the area near the footpockets on a rectangle monofin blade not bend and fold creating drag? If not I would be interested to see how it compares.
Are plane wings not designed to create lift as a birds, by the movement of airflow over the front of the wing? Early attempts at flying machines would have been made from wood, making the wings heavy, unlike the empty bones of birds, but as technolgy allows hollow wings to be built it occurs in aeroplanes? I'm not talking about copying nature exactly, that wouldn't work, as each design has been evolved over millions of years for a specific perpose, but utilising it's designs and adapting them to suit our needs using new technology.
I Thought the first thing to be looked into in monofin design would be the shape, and I thought a post explaing why the whale tail shape is worse would appear
I would still like to know how whales a dolphins utilise stiffening and softening their tails. Is this for speed and effeciency?
What are other apects of improving the monofin have people had?
I like that guys dolphin tail! although I think some kind of quick escape mechanism from the wetsuit and body shells might be needed!:crutch