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Whales, Dolphins, or Whale Sharks in the Caribbean

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Active Member
Oct 30, 2007
I'm always looking for trips that I can take with my wife (who does not freedive, but does snorkel) that we would both enjoy. I've seen descriptions of liveaboard trips to Silver Bank (between Turks and Caicos and the Dominican Republic) to "snorkel" with Humpback Whales, to the Bahamas to snorkel or freedive with dolphins, and day trips to Gladden Spit off of Belize to snorkel or freedive with whale sharks. I did read on one of the dolphin trip web sites that freediving is fine and that the dolphins seem to like playing if you're active. On the whale trips they only talk about snorkleling and being really quiet and still, but I wondered if it was reasonable to freedive on those trips. Haven't read much about the trips to the Whale Sharks. If anyone has any opinions about these trips, especially how they would work for both a freediver and a snorkeler together, I'd appreciate the feedback. Thanks in advance.

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