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What colour Camo?

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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008
Hi All,

Just wondering if the camo colour makes much of a difference? I know a few of you don't think the camo makes any difference anyway, but for those of you who do, I would like to know if the colour of the camo makes any difference. More specifically brown and green? I've decided to get the Beuchat Mundial 3.5mm. I don't really know what area's i'll be hunting, but if it helps, there are a few small islands near Wilsons Promontory in Vic Australia. Thats where I will spend most of my time diving.

Have you considered red? It is becoming very popular in the Mediterranean.
I was thinking about it, but unfortunately I don't think Beuchat make a red camo? I seem to have my mind set on a Beuchat wetsuit, not sure exactly why, they just seem to be high quality and look really good, atleast on paper they do?
I would go with one that matched most closely the colour of the reef where you will be hunting. To be honest I doubt it will make much difference what colour it is but if you like it then fair enough. I think it can make a small difference so I do use camo, green/brown to match the weed I hunt in :)
Well the wetsuit i'm currently using is my dads old scuba suit. it must be about 20 or so years old and as much as it is still in decent nick for a suit of that age, it's nylon inside and out, not that comfortable and won't keep me warm this winter. I figure if I'm going to splurge I may as well do it properly and buy good quality stuff that will hopefully last me a while.
BTW the suit I have now is 2 different shades of blue, not that that makes much of a difference I don't think.
the beuchat camo brown is a bit more orange than brown.. so it may disappear like red in the deep.. maybe..
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