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What is the best kayak for spearfishing

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AB Diver

New Member
May 3, 2005
Ok, I am looking to get a kayak for spearfishing so cal. . . I would like to get away from at least SOME of the people and hunt the outer kelp beds without a long surface swim. . .

My criteria are:
price-1000 or less

Capable of carrying two people and their gear (freediving). . . not nessisarily 2 seats and all, just able to pile two people on if need be. . .

Light enough for one person to lift and carry to the water. . .

Anybody know what I need??? Thanks, Ken
Try Prijon Made Of Plastic By A German Company I Used To Have 2 Seater It Was Real Stable In The Ocean Had Lots Of Storage Space Lots Of Cargo Netting On Top Are Going To Use This At Lake Powell Is Halling It On Your Car A Problem Then You Might Try A Foldabot I Am Probally Not Spelling This Correctly This Company Has Been Around Forever And They Make Good Quality Cheap Stuff Makes Me Miss Kayaking In Southeast Alaska Good Luck Let Us Know What You Buy
Prijon makes certainly high quality kayaks, but due to the current exchange rate of dollar to euro, most of the double seaters will be around $2000, and their lighter carbon version about the double of that.

These kayaks are certainly fast and keep well the direction in comparison with short sit-on-top plastic or inflatable ones, but I wonder if it is not too difficult to get back in, when you finish diving, without filling them with water, or ripping apart your wetsuit on the seat opening edge.

I am trying to select a suitable kayak too, and although I would love the speed and glide of a narrow long kayak like these ones, I may go with a short plastic sit-on-top or even lighter inflatable diveyak that I can easily transport even without a roof rack. They are sure much slower and do not keep easily straight, but I feel they may be better suitable for frequent dropping off and getting back far in the blue. You may be even able to dress/undress on them - what I am not quite sure is easily possible on the fast slim boats.

Well, that told, there are many threads about kayaks in the forum archive, so it may be worth looking through them - a lot of people who actually used several types of kayaks posted their opinions.
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that DiveYak looks amazing...... its got a see through bottom.....I reckon you could use that to ambush fish.

I know what I want for Christmas.
Here's a link to a discussion on kayaks. [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=58204"]Tandem Kayak : info please[/ame]
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