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what to reach in 2008

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
the year ends and it is time to set a new goal for next year.

so what do you want to archive in 2008?

i want to do 6 min. static again and break the 100m in dynamic.
and do some cw, if i will have the chance...

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I want to reach 200+ feet in CWF or FI. I also would like to hit 6 min static. Other than that, I just want to enjoy the water and the new lifestyle freediving has pushed me towards!
Reactions: Tony Babowicz
I want to go to Kalymnos and takt Aida** with Emma Farrell
I want to go to Lyskil in sweden and reach 30m cwf
I want to make 75m dyn
I want to make a great freediving short movie.
I want to get more of my friends into freediving
I want to enjoy freediving,even more..

Will be fun to se this post in a year from now
Cheers Martin H.
indeed it will be fun to read this again at the end of 2008 to see if our wishes became true.....
This year was a little disappointing with more muscle atrophy than I thought and problems learning to clear all over again. The new PBs in static and the fact that twice I matched my best in Free Immersion will keep me optimistic for at least another year. The long time goal of diving my age Constant Ballast eluded me again this year. In a way it's good to know that something (besides arteries) gets harder with age.
Maybe my reach will be long enough for yet another PB in '08.
-I would like to reach 5min static and go down to 100 feet CWF.
-Make better spearfishing Videos
-Get me one of them MONSTER Lake Michigan Perch!
Reactions: island_sands
I would like equalize consistently every time I dive. I would like to dedicate more time to train for freediving yet not get caught up with my competitive personality. I would like to be Billie Ball's safety diver (or one of them) on her 200ft attempt. And finally, I want everyone to laugh when I tell a joke. (Sometimes it would be nice if I wasn't the only one laughing).
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I haven't set any goals yet, just trying to get my training back on track.
1. get to 60kg in weight (and stay there)
2. 6,15 static
3. get home on time from work
4. dive more often
5. have more time with the bf
6. stick to a proper diet (which i guess is related to point 1.)
7. have more (related to point 5, and 3)
8. finish writing my book (procrastination for five years now)
9. spend more time exercising and less time on the net
10. learn how to do mouthfill and reach 50 metres.

That's my top ten, but not necessarily in that order
Reactions: samdive
Same as Island Sands - but 5 15 rather than 6 15 and I'd be happy!!

and not sure about the book.... maybe.

Same as Island Sands - but 5 15 rather than 6 15 and I'd be happy!!

and not sure about the book.... maybe.


the book can wait, those kilos cant rofl and god knows what i'll look like AFTER the xmas spread

rofl have a good dooooooooo Sam x
Is point 10 connected to points 1 and 6 or to point 5? rofl
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CWT - 50m
CNF - 35m
DYN - 180m (When my monofin arrives, that is...)
DNF - 135m
STA - 6:30

We'll see how that all goes...
static 5:30 - 6:00 (4:40 now)
DNY 75m (67 now, i'm terrible in pools)
DYF 55m (50 now, j.u.s.t, see above)
CWT 35M (30 now)
CNF (try it at least, a bit nervous)
spearing anything legal and appropriate over > 10Kg
Static 6:30
DYN 150+m
CWT 45m
CNF 40m

To get in more time in a 50m pool, instead of the 25m im usually at.
-static 5 minutes
-dynamic 100 metres wf
-the aida instructor
-and to do freediving in the lakes of the alpes
to dive under ice
to snorkel in mud
not to get any sunburn
to make some fluid goggles
to not speak anout diving all the time to people that don't dive
to set up a good dive club here in Brighton
Reactions: Whopperhead
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