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what to reach in 2008

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I want a pony...

Peter P


My wish is long term. I want to dive to same depth in meters as I'm old in years. And of course, every year add one meter at least. Hey, how long (and deep) can I go? Will it depends on my age or diving abilities?
Wouldn't that be nice if you could get stuck at 21m sigh

good one rofl

Sheepeck our Bill Baron of Breathold living in Hawaii generally still does a metre for every year he is in his sixties now
Reactions: Pastor
Survive the FIT course and hopefully get to 100' by the end of 08.

Become a scuba instructor

Get out to some freedive events and meet some of the people of the freedive world!
Have fun.
Discover new stuff.
Introduce freediving to some of my friends/family!
(oh yes - and mosey on past 7.00 STA!)
100m dyn, 100'+ cwt, 5min+ static, hands free equalizing, good health for intermediate course in Kona(everyone around me is sick), I want to see a shark while freediving, get or at least try a hyper/glide type mono, dive ocean more than lakes, get at least 1 person into freediving, a cool youtube video
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General goals
1) Get all needed gear
2)Go freediving with other freedivers (sad eh?)
3) train (Freedive specific) at least 2x/week
4) Build a freediving rig (buoy)
5) Try FIM
6) Go to a PFI or FIT clinic
7) watch or be part of a competition
8) Learn frenzel

Performance goals
1) break 5min static
2) 50m DNF
3) 75m DNF
4) 20m CNF
5) 40m CWF

To read more of the free diving threads, find out just how long I can hold my breath & how deep I can dive?
I'm happy to say that I've already achieved one of the goals for 2008. ,I did 157m DYN.
triton, that is very good, how long have you been training? i can just manage 67mrofl(no joke...)
I know it may sound funny but my goal for this year is to reach 60 feet... And due to my ear problems i couldn't reach that depth before...
Keep your fingers crossed
I know it may sound funny but my goal for this year is to reach 60 feet... And due to my ear problems i couldn't reach that depth before...
Keep your fingers crossed

Goals are relative to our own limitations (internal) and the standard set by the community (external)... 60' was a very deep dive not too many years ago, and most people on the planet can't dream of doing that. The path is its own reward. Good luck!
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Hey Triton,


I reached the first goal too, I did a 105 m dyn last week.

now I want to do that again

maybe you should start? there is a lot of nay saying here regarding coffee and diving, but (at my level) I have never seen a big difference. Now, being drunk and up late the night before.........take a 50% cut in your apnea abilities...
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