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what to reach in 2008

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Arr I see, so smoking fags would build up my c02 tolerance & drinking coffee will help my breath hold! Think I will stick to spearfishing, running & the gym?

like he said, 60ft is a long way down, (even longer way up...) and I too could not get there because of equalization problems (I assume thats why you say ear problems). its very easy to read this forum and think that your personal bests are low, but don't forget many world champions are here........... have fun and be safe, always have a buddy watching when you try for these personal bests, go through the routine beforehand so as to know what to expect..
Finish school for Medical Coding/Billing and move to Ft. Lauderdale this Summer...

Get in a LOT more diving with Martin S. and Paul K. .....

FINALLY hit 30m (or MORE)....

Achieve a static hold of 5 mins.

Hmm, I think that's ENOUGH for now! rofl

triton, that is very good, how long have you been training? i can just manage 67mrofl(no joke...)

I haven't trained specifically for DYN but I started doing 2-3km swims ,weight training at home,apnea exercices on my home bike.
Also I changed my breathup,now i'm just breathing normally(not deeper or faster) and trying to keep Co2 on a normal level.THe contractions start at about 50-60m but are very "mild" so I can stay focused on my dive.
If you want an example how (in my opinion) you should breath before a dive just download Dave's 244m video.
. Now, being drunk and up late the night before.........take a 50% cut in your apnea abilities...

Most of my (meagre) dynamic PBs were done early in the morning after a late night drunk and about 4.5 hours' sleep.

My current PB which I've not got close to since the end of August, was done on a Friday early evening after a very arduous week at work with lots of late nights, early mornings, booze, and according to "received wisdom", overdoing it in the pool throughout that week. And completely abandoning my normal technique.
Coffee is not a problem for diving.: :naughty ...for me. :t:t ...i drink two coffee every day and dive over 50 met in cwt
I want to go to Sharm El Sheikh and reach 30m cwf
I want to make 75-100m dyn
I want to make 4.30
I'd like to:

Reach >30m CWF,
>4 min static,
100m dynamic.
Get AIDA****.
Improve at Biketrials.

I'm sure there's more but can't think of them at the mo.


my friend went.. i had a baby girl
didnt go went skateboarding instead. made 25m still
made 70m then the pool closed for maintenance
mad a little video,. noting good
made a cuple more start
didnt spend enugh time in the water.. need more buddys
I still enjoy it imensly !!!
Yeah, thanks for revive this thread, Gwaihir.
Come on guys, how did you succeeded this year?

Since I wrote that my plans are more long term, I can state that I'm still keeping the goal I set / but only because I made my deep enough depth two years ago so now, even I didn't dive at all this year (me too has baby girl now, as Gwaihir) , I still have headstart. Well, it will end next year so I should be careful. :head
Have fun.
Discover new stuff.
Introduce freediving to some of my friends/family!
(oh yes - and mosey on past 7.00 STA!)

OK. I had the most fantastic years freediving - can't really ask for more than that! Did m' first competition, plus diving in Egypt twice, Croatia, Vobster, Wraysbury and many hours in the SETT -
Then to finish the year, 4 days freediving in Dubai - - that's me doing the STA )

Didn't quite make m' 7.00 STA - maybe this year....! D
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I guess my goal was to finally hit 30m....which I still haven't....but at least now I know it's a matter of technique, and not simply my ears being stubborn, because I have no problems equalizing in the first 12' (on Sunday I hit 52' twice, my right ear slamming on the brakes at that EXACT depth both times). I DID make a major life change in '08, however....I "ran away to join the circus" by moving to Ft. Lauderdale from Ohio in late Sept, so I could revolve my life more around freediving, training, and the ocean. And, even though the money is ludicrously tight now, I couldn't be happier. A few weeks ago, three friends and I went diving, they to spearfish, me to just dive. We finished on a few mostly dead reefs in around 30' of water. To most experienced, jaded divers, it would've been a lousy dive. To me, the freediver from Ohio, being surrounded by more tropical fish than I've seen in almost TWENTY YEARS of scuba diving, it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. At that moment, I knew the move was the right decision.rofl

static 5:30 - 6:00 (4:40 now)
DNY 75m (67 now, i'm terrible in pools)
DYF 55m (50 now, j.u.s.t, see above)
CWT 35M (30 now)
CNF (try it at least, a bit nervous)
spearing anything legal and appropriate over > 10Kg

Great thread dig up. I had forgoten this one.

DNY 75m (67 now, i'm terrible in pools) DONE with room to spare (with crappy plastic technisub strato bifins). Goal 100m for 2009
DYF 55m (50 now, j.u.s.t, see above) Done, goal 67 to 75M
CWT 35M (30 now) Done, goal 45M to 50M
CNF (try it at least, a bit nervous) not tried yet
spearing anything legal and appropriate over > 10Kg not done, best a 6.5Kg vieja.
New goal: maybe try a monofin?
the year ends and it is time to set a new goal for next year.

so what do you want to archive in 2008?

i want to do 6 min. static again and break the 100m in dynamic.
and do some cw, if i will have the chance...


failed with the static (to less static training, but regularly 5-5.30)
did the dynamic (now regularly 100+)
did cw (hit 40m)

for this year:
static 6 minutes
dynamic 120m
cw 45 m (going do dahab in april!)

I want to go to Sharm El Sheikh and reach 30m cwf
I want to make 75-100m dyn
I want to make 4.30

I managed 31.1 m CWF without problems, and also just a 20m CWT.
I got a knee injury after a halfmarathon, so I could not train
me up to 4.30, but gained 4.00 reasonably stable. an operation in the shoulder destroyed my training in the pool. in 1.5 years is my goal is
40m CWT
25m CWT
100m dyn
4.30 min STA​

sorry grammar, I use Google translator
  1. reached 5min static
  2. had great time in kona
  3. my pool banned any dyn beyond 50m
  4. depth fell appart completely started having problems with sinus squees and equalizing, but with no normal sinus symtoms, it ended up being an infected tooth, just had it pulled and it had a polyp the size of a blueberry growing on the end of the root that was smashing into my sinus, so I should be good to go for the new year
I had a fantastic time this Summer 2008 with spearos and Pixie74 up in Port Hardy BC. A wonderful week of spearing, camping and visiting. As usual, the DB forum comes through for me again as a vehicle to meet great people from all over the world!
Here's to similar experiences in 2009 and beyond.
I guess in terms of goals I'd like to get into the disciplined side of it, and hopefully Benny B gets his school up and running for that side of things!

That was a great trip! Wonderful time with wonderful people. Can't wait to do it again.
i want to get to 6.30 static
i want to get to 125m dynamic
i want to break 50m cw
and i am gonna try some no fins stuff and free immersion
and perhaps get over to wales and do some spearing with apneaboy pastor and john m
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