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What would you recommend?

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New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Hi everybody...

I am new to this forum and new to this sport, although its pretty much all i do when i'm on holiday, i just never knew it had a name :D

When i go on holiday i usually go to the sea on my own with nothing but my goggles and fins and spend the entire day diving for as long as i can to swim with the fishes.

Right...to the point!

I have only ever had cheapo fins from the airport that cost about £10 ($16ish) but i am going to Na'ama Bay in Egypt later this year and i have decided, scene as Na'ama bay has a Huge Coral Reef and is one of the top dive sites in the world, to get serious with the fins.

So i have decided to spend a maximum of £300 ($500) on either a monofin or a pair of fins.

I would like a monofin preferably, as the legstrokes used by a monofin are the same as the legstrokes i use with my normal fins anyways.

I would like power and manouverabilty above all else. As i will be diving quite deep i would like as much power as possible to get me down there quickly so i can spend more time down at the bottom, but manouverability for when i am at the bottom.

So...could people please rocommend what they believe to be the best in my price range.

Thankyou very much in advance

MaK :D
In that price range you will be able to buy whatever that you want.

You just need to decide what will be the exactly use of the Monofin. Constant weight, just diving for Fun, swimming, etc.
After that you still have options regarding material Fiberglass or Carbon blades.
Custom made footpockets or standard ones.

Take a look here or drop me an email if you need further information with Leaderfins.

Hope it helps


Has anyone tried the 'Specialfins Freediving Monofin Coloured'?

I think it looks amazing and would love one...but there are no reviews on the site...

Sorry for double posting...But also Could people please give me the names of some decent face mask producers please.

That's the fin Mandy-Rae Cruickshank (six time women's world record holder from Performance Freediving International) uses and she says it's great.
A good mask that a lot of people like and it's inexpensive is The Sherea made by Aqualung. Fits most faces and has a very small internal volume.
For a snorkel the simpler the better. Don't bother with the splash gaurds on top and the purge valves. Just more junk to go wrong and it all creates drag.
I have one of those SF colored Monofins and am just about to get my new one made out of carbon fiber. :) the blue one is fine, very comfortable for long hours in the water, but not as much snap as I hoped- which is why I'm so excited about the carbon version with Sporasub pockets on it.

You should also take a look at some of those new Leaderfins monos- based upon the Russin Andropov design. The Hyper and Hyper Professional both look like really nice fins and for what you plan on spending you could have either one.

My favorite mask for freedivng is my Sphera, but the lenses scratch easliy so I end up getting a new one about every summer. I also had a Falco, glass lens version of the Sphera, that worked well until it finally broke on me. It has a larger volume than the Sphera and not the same view, but the glass lens alos lasts longer and doesn't distort things as much.

Here's a quick shot of my monofin and Falco mask.

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Well im guessing it will be the same as with cars, motorbikes etc...

Carbon fiber is VERY strong and VERY light.

Im guessing that it just means you get more power in your strokes because less energy is used in the stroke, due to the weight difference.

Plus it looks the SH*T!

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