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what would you use?

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Jul 5, 2005
ok im gonna paint a scenario here, and what im really looking for is what YOU would use in this area if you lived here.

you live 2 mins walk from the beach
your hunting depth ranges from when you enter the water, right out to about 60 feet at the edge of the reef (and if you can go deeper, be my guest, it doesnt stop at 60)
you have an easy 2 square miles of good hunting grounds.
not too thick with sharks, you may see one a month maybe, and good chance its a nurse shark or a small hammerhead .
a lot of spiney lobster in holes.
a lot of big holes to stick your head up in and look around good chance of groupers and snappers.
you could boat dive, if you had a boat, but its all shore diving otherwise.
currents are not usually bad
literally 0% chance of getting run over by a boat, there are 2 fishing boats in the area, and they dont fish inside the reef.
the chance for some really decent pelagics.
the chance for a lot of smaller fish if thats what you like eating.
the water temp is perfect (coldest you could get, is maybe a few goosebumps)
the vis is usually 20-60 feet, but could cap off at about 100 feet on a really good day.
there are very few divers around, on a crowded day, there may be 2 other guys in the water, but the area is so big that if you dont want to be near them, you dont have to be.

what gun would you use? would u carry 2 guns? one as a cave gun one as a main gun?
What are the local spearos using?? Which coast of Barbados if thats where you are refering to? North , East ?? Really decent Pelagics such as ?? What gun are you using now ??
I'd use both hands as I got down on my knees and thanked whoever or whatever made it possible for me to live in such a place!
lol, the area has its downsides too.. like having to work when its clear for a day after a swell comes thru..

the locals? they use just about anything down here lol, im.. hmn.. kinda on the east, and decent pelagics such as kingfish, spanish mack's, cudas, ive seen some pretty big permits, id say up to about 30 lbs(id like to get a 40 lb+ one, i know guys that have hooked them up to about 65 lbs, and heard tales of 90 lb'ers) whenever i head out, i honestly dont know what to expect.. some days nothing, other days, fish are all over the place.. example, last time i went out w/ my gun, just a cave gun really, 35cm beuchat arka, with a single wrap, i shot a 2 lb or so snapper for a friend, as i was taking the spear out of it at the surface, a 5-6 lb spanish mackeral came right up to me, literally within a foot of my hand, to get a peek at what i was doing.. of course it was gone by the time i had the gun loaded back up..


note that the point furtherest away is about a mile or more away from where the photo was taken..

but yea, i really am curious about what guns you guys would use here, and why
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I know you are looking for straight answers but you have to think of availability of shafts unless you will import shafts. So it might be best sticking with the local guns which is basically the beuchat guns or sporasub ?? Shipping on shafts will be expensive especially on longer guns because of the length issue. 70 % duty on guns is another issue . Its not easy to ask someone to bring in a gun for you because it will account for one of their bags especially with the new limit of only 50 pounds per piece of luggage .

Is that Skeetes Bay ?
guns available here bore me..lol, ive got a wood stock on my mundial handle right now (just being different) but with the mundial head and screw on bands.. shoots a hell of a lot better than standard, aiming just feels so much more natural, its the balance it has now... the speargun duty was lifted from what ive been told, and the local spears available suck anyways, stainless 7mm is unheard of

this summer, when i really get the chance to explore this area (yup u guessed it) it wont be with my mundial (at least not all the time) still dont know what it will be with though...

If thats the scenario your going to paint then I'm going to :yack with jealously.

PS, I'd use a pole spear
I think I'm set.

100cm Omer Cobra
Riffe Mt0

I'd have trouble the first week with my mask filling with tears of gratitude however.
with groupers and cave fish, a second smaller gun would be very useful: say a pneumatic an Omer Tempest 70 or Sporasub Stealth 70 or Mares Medisten. a short rubbergun: Excalibur 55cm, or T20 60cm, or Comanche 60 with 7/8 mm threaded shaft. The main gun is up to you. What about a C4 Monoscocca 110?
my short gun, is actually my main gun right now, with my friend using my mundial becuase his trigger mech broke, ive been left diving with my beuchat arka, with a 20 inch barrel, powered by 16mm bands (with articulated wishbone) and firing a 6mm spear, its proved so far to be deadly to anything that had the bad idea to hide in a hole from me, but when it comes to free swimming fish, well, its a challenge to say the least.. ive got a few freeswimming fish up to about 2 lbs with it, but its really sad to see a big spanish mack (one of my favourite eating fish) just swimming around 7 feet away from me laughing at my feeble attempts to use mind control to make it come closer.

if i had a c4, i think i'd be scared to carry it in the water.. while carbon fiber would be a good option if i was hunting only for freeswimming fish, i have to leave my main gun on the ground a lot when im hunting through holes, id be scared of a freak current wedging it off between 2 rocks and causing damage, ive been thinking of a rob allen railgun.. hmn.. still have a month or so to think about it

and boomstick.. i have been thinking about a polespear a lot.. i blame omer for making such a sexy polespear and then letting me see pics of it but i think that a speargun would better suit my needs (reef edge hunting for example)
I will use a 1.3m rail gun with bouble 14mm rubber for open water and a 90cm with single band for the caves. If you are using a float you can easily clip the gun you are not using to the float. I will never leave my gun on the bottom, you might never find it again. (but then I don't have that kind of vis:waterwork
Doesn't sound too different from my neck of the woods. 1.4m Rob Allan with twin 16mm bands. That way you can power down to one band if your target is close to the rocks or load up both for longer shots
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