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Whats the Maxium Amount of Fish you have taken in 1 dive.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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What is the maxuim amount of fish taken in 1 days diving? (UK spearo's only please)

  • 1 fish

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 2 fish

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 3 fish

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 4 fish

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • 5 fish

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • 6 fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 fish

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 8 fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 fish

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 10 fish

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • 11 fish

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 12 fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 13 fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 14 fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 15 fish or more

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
hi guys,
This is mainly for the UK spearo's, i would like to know the maxium amount of fish you have taken in 1 days diving, it will lead to a bigger picture and your help in answering this will go along way.
Thanks Ben
not voting as I am not in the UK.

I originally thought from the topic you meant in one breath hold dive rather than a 1 day diving trip. The most I have ever caught in one breath hold dive is 2. Which I have done more than once, but only once have I gotten 2 fish in 1 shot.
I voted 9 above...but it would be easy to mis-understand those numbers.

I usually take none, one or two but have recently taken 4 on a number of occasions and 9 on one rare day (also caught a 10th fish on my rod the same day) - a mixed bag of mackeral, mullet, bass and pollock. Most shot near the end of a long four hour session. It was a rare opportunity that presented itself this year as the end of season approached. I knew I could use all of the fish fresh or frozen and had an ice box & cool packs for transporting them. I was also well aware that the next opportunity to fish might be 6 to 8 months away (turns out the weather has improved considerably, extending the season). Also, our season was pretty rubbish this year until the end of August with bad weather, so there was an element of making up for lost time involved too.

This is one of the reasons I don't favour a catch limits (unless very generous) on recreational fishing, or any other form of over regulation. My fishing is very low volume. When the rare combination of plentiful & varied fish coincide with an ability to make good use of them, it would be a life diminishing act to have to stop & go home early.

I took 17 scallops on another occasion (act. 26 but 9 were empties). Hadn't really planned to get so many but as I dived to try to recover my lost torch, I kept finding more. All were eaten fresh that evening though.
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When I fished comps, I took as many as I could, maybe 10 plus including wrasse. Not proud of this but I no longer compete. Now I only fish for the table so max 2-3 fish if I am lucky.
Does not mater if your takeing 1000 fish as long as you eat them your self...I raerly give fish away and only to famly....(obviosly dinner partys dnt count)

If you go out and buy one fish from a shop it has taken a lot more damage to get to your table....eg bye catch, lost nets, mamals drowning, and damage to the sea floor invioroement.

O and i am a fish munger/cook for my job and would never sell my speard catch.
Reactions: Mr. X
Cheers for posting guys and your vote's, sorry rslomkow about it being uk only,
Hopefully in a few weeks illed iled get show you method in my madness,
Take care
I usually take none, one or two but have recently taken 4 on a number of occasions and 9 on one rare day

This is a point many people miss when talking about how sustainable and low impact spearfishing is. Yes it is selective, but that very selectivity can be misinterpreted as meaning spearos will just take the big breeding fish (as happened in discussions with South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee), and also depends on the individuals ethics.
The big factor that needs to be pointed out is just how inefficient spearfishing is over a year, compared to pretty much anything else, particularly in a Northern European climate. Yes a good spearo, on a good day can take a lot of fish, but this must be balanced against the days of catching nothing, and most importantly the times when you just cant get in the water because of the weather or viz
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Reactions: spaghetti
Iwas a bit concerned about this thread as basically it could be misconstrued. I have taken more than 15 fish many times but not as many times as I have caught nothing and not as many times as I havent even been able to fish because of unsuitable conditions. I doubt that i would take more than 10 fish now a days even though i could. However i didn't always feel this way. Similarly with competitions, I now wouldn't enter but have made massive catches in the past without it unduely worrying me.

Reactions: Mr. X
Ben, I see you have this poll on the BSA website next to postings about competition catch numbers.
The fact that people may have taken a big catch at some time in their life has no bearing at all on catches made in competitions, where the whole point is to take as many fish as possible (subject to the comp rules) in every competition you enter.
This is very different to the occasional bigger catch, taken by someone who normally takes only one or two.
Are you implying a connection between peoples maximum catch ever, and the catches made in competition?
Hi all,
Don't worry OMD this thread is not a place to be judgementle about any spearo or deeperblue member.
Thats a great point Dave as one that i hvae not over looked in the out come to this thread.
Thanks Again for the votes.
The point im trying to get across is sunfish that we all have had a big catches and yes its once in a while but we have taken more then we normally do, and we keep casting doubt on the bsa comps but if you look between the lines at the fish taken per head it is no more different than what we take once in a while,
and the comps our 4-5 a year,
All i want do with this thread is to get both comp and non-comp spearo's on the same side of the fence.
But there isn't a spearo here that has suggested that competitions have any lasting effect on the fish stocks. From that point of view we all agree and are already on the same side of the fence AFAIK. Speaking for myself, I don't like the message that competitions give to an uneducated public.
ive taken over 30 trigger fish over two days this year and ive eaten everyone! but theres been over 30 dives when ive come out with nothing to show for my efforts
Except for contests, I normally limited my catch to two fish per day. Most of the time the catch was zero. Different ocean but, best days were Halibut 65#(twice) and White Sea Bass 65#. One magic day a long time ago I scored a hat trick on Black Sea Bass of 200#, 250# and almost 300#. That doesn't count though 'cuz it was only tag and release.
...Different ocean but, best days were Halibut 65#(twice) and White Sea Bass 65#.

Bill, would you please clarify? Did you get the 'but and WSB on the same day? Or did you get them from different oceans?

If you got them on the same day, where in Socal did you get them? I'm in San Diego.

The question is so poorly worded that any result is meaningless, even if you restrict it to the UK.

To me, a "dive" is the period from the time I submerge until I surface. When I used to scuba dive, I might take multiple fish on a dive. As a freediver, I have never taken more than one fish on a dive.

But some people who have answered seem to equate a dive with a day of diving, and others even equate it with multiple days in different oceans.

If you want to get any meaningful data, you might consider deleting this thread and starting over with a better question.
Hi Nate
From '69-'94 I spent a lot of time diving Ancapa Island (73 days one year) and 10-20 days a year in the '70's, off a paddleboard, on the coast between Point Dume and Channel Island harbor. The only time I dove off San Diego was at Los Coronados.
Hope to get back and see what happened when they took the nets out and check out a few caves where scuba divers can't get, now that my bottom time has almost tripled.
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