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whats your speargun of choice

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spear fisher 85
May 22, 2007
Just wanting to know what you guys think is the better gun of choice i myself use a JBL 38 special works pretty good i like it good in less vis water i am going to going to be getting a 75mm carbon gun from spetton what are your thoughts on that
I bought a used 38 Special NW from Whopperhead last fall...Did'nt get out too much with it but did whack some slob carp and a few dogfish at Golden with it...It's cool but it is a bit "clunky" and the shaft is really way too fat in my opinion. Good for carp though. And I'd surely take it for flounder or halibut...Tough shaft...Pretty much unbendable & unbreakable...

If JBL would just make a gun with a more of a "euro shaft" diameter and they should also make a replaceable Tahitian flopper style tip . that would be alot better.

I'd have to say from a speargun newbie that the new Hammerheads look to be an awesome gun for the money if ya ask me! I WANT ONE SUPER BAD!!! I can't wait to see Whopperhead's. I bet that it's one "bad mamma jamma" of a gun!

I'm hearing it's quiet and super accurate too! Their website has results of a "comparative" accuracy test...It shows that the Hammerhead blows most other guns outta the water - right outta the box!


Dotey... Don't you have an interest in Spetton though? Well then I'd get a Spetton...Business first right?...Then go for your dream gun later on -

My dream gun would probably be a "custom" carbon Daryl Wong. Also a U.S. product by the way!

Nothing agaist foreighn gear...Most of it is way better than stuff made here anyways...But I personally like to keep my money here in the U.S. if possible...Unfortunately it is oftentimes not...Unless I wanna buy substandard gear. Italy, France, And Spain make the best gear though for the most part - Omer, Beauchat, Spetton, Elios, etc....The list goes on and on!
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I love my Cayman HF. But not a lot to compare too. I like any gun and I like to rig them. I have taken my HF down and changed it's configuration several times.

On the Hammerhead test. I'm not going to argue their accuracy straight out of the box. But if I recall the article in HSD correctly, there were many guns praised. The hammerhead had the most close to the center. But a LOT of them shot tight groups. And for instance (yeah it's OMER) a couple guys said, the HF with a 7mm shaft would be spot on.

Again, the hammerhead is a good gun from seeing it in person and it is rigged pretty much out of the box the way I like a gun rigged. Other than I seem to prefer single band rather than double. But I will try Hammerheads double bands. I ordered a set with my muzzles for the 90cm.

I have not read up on Spetton's carbon gun or seen much on here about it. If I think about it, I'll have to do a search after I get home from playing pool.
well i am lookin into getting a gun from spetton soon so when i get it i will let you guys try it out and see how it works
I personally shoot RA guns because of their consistent performance and the relatively cheap price of shafts I really want to get a Wong but their expensive so I have started to make my own BW gun. 4 bands shooting 5/16th shaft 60 inch gun shold be pretty bad A$$
Up until last weekend I liked the JBL Sawed Off WOODY. BUT! After Shooting my New HammerHead Evolution 75cm It's Super quite, Accurate and the perfect size for these Wisconsin Waters.
will have to say that is a really nice gun i was almost right next to you in the water and didnt hear it or feel the shot from the gun (its pretty nice) :martial
My, current, gun of choice is my custom made wooden mid-handle. It seems to have the right balance and is short enough to hunt in the weeds with. I like how easy it is to swing because half the gun stick out behind my arm, but I still have the full length of shaft, and bands, to shoot with. I end up getting the same shooting range with it as I would a 75cm Eurogun.

I used to own a Rob Allen that I liked quite a bit. It was light and easy to maneuver. It had a rail down the center that improved its accuracy. It was also VERY quick to reload- one band and one wrap of line. I could shoot and reload a couple of times on a single breath. The downside to the gun in our waters is that it was meant to balance out in saltwater. In freshwater it's nose heavy and would wear on my wrist after 8 hours in the water. If they made a version that would balance out in freshwater I might switch back to it.

I, recently, just got a pneumatic (Cyrano 970) at the end of this past summer. I like the power- goes right through a carp without any trouble at all. I also like how easy it is to aim. I don't like that it also balances out to be nose heavy in freshwater- just like the Rob Allen. I don't like that you have to carry a little loading handle around with it. This may not be a big deal in warm water wear you can get away with a pair of coral gloves, but I end up using 3-finger mitts most of the time for warmth. It also shoots a larger shaft which tears up the meat on panfish, but does a great job on the rough fish. The last thing that bugs me with that gun is that you need to make sure your shafts are perfect- or the gun will not work. I had a chance to limit out on bluegill last fall and the shaft kept jamming up in the gun- only ended up with 6 fish.:head When I went home to put in a new shaft the gun was back to being brand new- but I still missed those fish. Even with all of those issues I think it will still be my preferred gun for Lake Michigan perch because of it's range.

I've owned a few other guns, but they were nothing to write home about. I would like t try out that Hammerhead, as it seems to be close to my old Rob Allen. I wonder if they could make a freshwater model?

Here's a pic of my Wooden gun and my old Rob Allen.



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Hey Jon I am sure you know about the benefits a mamba conversion would offer to you & your 970 but one thing apart from the power increase is the smoothness & lack of recoil. If you operate the gun with the same sort of muzzle speed that you spear has now you would be able to reduce the pressure inside the gun & you may well be able to load the spear without the plastic loader.
I didn't know I could load it without the loader? That would be pretty cool.:inlove Everything I've seen so far suggests that it would cost around $150 to upgrade to the Mamba- does that sound right?

For where I spear I'm still left with the front-heavy gun due to less buoyancy in freshwater. My mid handle really is the most comfortable gun I own for long days in the water- recoil doesn't seem to be an issue with the small size of guns that I (we) use around here.

That's a nice looking mid handle Jon! I wish they were more popular over here, I love my mid handle woodies, they are just so easy to work with
Unirdna found a guy in Hawaii who could make them for us- he has the exact same model. It's based on a Riffe MT0 and uses all Riffe parts. I would have just bought a Riffe, but they don't make a mid-handle that short. I also love it because it was, fairly, easy to mount my camera to it.



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It would have been my balco sub. But id settle for an omer if i had the cash
i just bought a AMI 2 from spetton havent got to shoot it yet but i will let you guys know how it goes
i just bought a AMI 2 from spetton havent got to shoot it yet but i will let you guys know how it goes

If I'm not wrong the Ami speargun marketed with Spetton brand is actually a greek gun, designed and made by a company based in Greece named Demka.
Demka spearguns have a reputation of being great quality guns. I'm quite sure you will love it.
Back on topic: my speargun of choice? The gun I use the most: Seatec Gabbiano Open 77. The gun I love the most: Mares Medisten 70. The gun giving me the biggest fun: Omer Master Comp 106. The gun I'd buy if I had a sufficient budget: C4 Mr. Carbon 94. The gun...
Baerclaw- We are giving away a HammerHead Evo 55cm in our yearly contest. I've got the 75cm if we ever get in the water spearing - I'll let you try it out- It is SWEET! TASS just picked one up this week-also.
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