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whats your speargun of choice

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Whopperhead- thanks that would be grate! i would really like to try it out before i spend the $.

As for the contest that is really cool that you guys are doing that! but I will only be spearing in WI for like 2 or 3 weeks. so unless I have really good luck hahaha. but most of my spearing will be done in MN. I cant believe how nice the prizes are!!! good job guys
Baer, It's a Midwest Comp. Keep tabs on your fish and pics bro. Come down to the year end event/cookout with us and pick up a prize!
yeah the post says WI but its ok I wouldn't have much of a chance anyways we cant shoot pan fish in MN and I cant start spearing till the ice is out which isnt happening as fast as i had hoped.

yeah hopefully i get to dive with you guys this year. I've never dived with another person before haha
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It's really Whopperheads contest. I may have stepped on his toes. But if you dive with us and trade stories with us, your one of us, ya know. It's a friendly thing and all for fun.

Hope to meet you on a dive this year Baer!
Baer- If you get Pics and Post them on when and where you shot what- It's good. Yeah, But really try to make it to our YEAR END EVENT in OCTOBER. (haven't posted it yet) Basically counting Guys from WI, MN and IL. And as long as there is no cheating- we'll continue to do that.
ok thanks yeah the October thing sounds good. haha my only chance is a monster will see.
In reality, it's less about the gun and more about the hunter using it. There are MANY great guns on the market.
i have a cayman carbon 75 its a brilliant light gun perfect for low visibility areas but if your just starting to spearfish i would recommend a polespear.
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