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When masks go bad

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Nov 12, 2002
I have a Picasso mask I bought about a year ago for my son. To date I have not been able to stop it fogging up in any way, despite almost destroying it with toothpaste, boiling it, even a glycerine based anti fog doesnt work, any ideas??
Is the glass still the same quality as when you bought it? ie. scratches from toothpaste, usage etc, it hasn't got a bit smoky from the treatments you've performed on it?

Maybe give bathroom liquid soap a go. Put some in, coat it around with your finger and lightly wash it out (soft running water, don't blast it out). Works for me sometimes.

Saliva in the mask 5 minutes before you put it. The mask must be dry when you put the saliva. Then you wait 2 minutes, you wash the mask, you put it and there will be no fog.
Saliva is great, efficient and free !! rofl
I have never had fog in any of my mask thanks to this.
Or maybe my saliva is just magic and it won't work with yours !

Saliva has always worked better for me than the synthetic spit. :)

BTW Be careful that you don't haze the glass with abrasives in soap, toothpaste, etc.

Good Luck
Are you taking it off your face at all when diving ? I find that even when I use a defog if I remove the mask from my face and replace it, it fogs. So I've learned to keep it on my face the whole time. If I do need to remove it to clear my nose or such, I give it a rinse, spit in it, rub the spit against the lenses firmly rinse it and put it back. That usually fixes the problem.
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