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When to replace rubbers

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
I bought a new gun, fully rigged last year (Seatec Gabianno). I was wondering how long, on average, will the rubbers last? No signs of cracks or splits so far but I'd like to have replace them before I find out the hard way and twat my fingers!:crutch
my friend used an old crappy gun with horrid rubbers. cracked, dried out, but they worked. not sure when to replace them though.
If you respect your rubbers IE dont leave them in the sun & wash with fresh water after every dive. They will last a season. I always replace mine every year.
I change mine every year. Doesn't cost much (£10 max) and like you say not worth the risk.

I do 50 + dives a year and I wash my gun (and hence rubbers) after every dive, dry it outside but in the shade and then store it in a dry, but dark, corner of my shed.

Rubbers usually look okay at the end of the season but do seem to lose a bit of power by then. Change 'em anyway.

Dave :)
After some use, the rubbers tend to slack and loose their original properties. In order to get the best out of your rubbers you should change them every six months or so,that is if you use them regularly. If not, it would't hurt to change them every year.
According to one of the large US rubber manufactureres, the best way to take care of rubbers and make them last longer is to use 303 Aerospace Protectant, along with all the practices given in the previous messages.

The 303AP works as sunscreen to the rubber and is supposed to be great. I have purchased and started using it, but it hasn't been long enough on the rubbers to tell if there's a difference.

I change rubbers when they break, and usually carry spares on the boat.
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