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Where to fish?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Tecnoblu Italy

New Member
Feb 4, 2013
Hello everyone I'm Peter and I am the owner of Tecnoblu Genoa Italy.
This summer I will come on holiday in your country and I want to spend 5 days of my holidays with fishing.
I would need as much information as possible and a few spots where I could immerse in tranquility.
Can you help?
If there was an opportunity to share with someone a few days of fishing, I would be honored.
Greetings Piero

If you want to visit my sitro here is his address.
Hi Piero, welcome to db.
Where in England will you be staying?
I'm not in England but in Ireland.
I would like to know local fisherman share our sport on holidays.
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I do not know yet, waiting for all the advice possible.
Let me share a few days of fishing with other local fishermen willing to keep me company.
Thank you, where are you exactly?
I have to organize everything in detail .......

You can organise every detail,but unfortunatly this isn't the Med ,the Vis here,even in the summer can be Zero,you could be here for 2 weeks and get little or no decent vis.
You will have to wait until you arrive ,and see from their .
I'm in Wexford,the best spearing in Ireland is from Wexford down through Waterford,Cork,Kerry and into Clare.Main Species being Bass,Mullet,Flounder and Pollock.
As i said previously,If your in Wexford and theirs some Vis ,i'll gladly bring you for a days spearing.
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