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Where to spearfish in England

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Jul 8, 2007
Any good spearfishing on the west coast of great britan as im moving there with family to macclesfield in 5wks, clubs etc
North Wales is your nearest, about 2 1/2 hours from Mac. No clubs up here yet but watch this space There are a good few spearos who would be happy to take you out so fear not
And an awful lot of sheep!!

Pastor nnnnoooooo don’t do it just because the sea is to rough at the moment there’s no need to……………………….. start a club.roflrofl
Nothing to do with me, I'm just going with the flow

As I remember there is a tourist attraction somewhere down you way called the "BIG SHEEP" And they blame the Welsh rofl

Edit: Need I say more

Macclesfield? Bloody hell...Don't fancy your chances up there! Can't you get them to move to the West Country instead? Much fishier........
If you want some pool practice, statics and dynamics, i have a pool session in Stockport.

Fishing is good N Wales.
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