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Where to try suits near San Jose? (and advice on thickness)

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2015
I am about to buy my own spearfishing gear so I can go with a few of my buddies. I live in Palo Alto and am looking for a place to try on a variety of diving suits. I went down to Diver Dan's in San Jose to try on some suits. The only thing that was available in my size was the 7mm Omer Black Moon in a size 3. I am 5'9", 150 lbs, 31" waist, 41" chest so the size 3 seems about right based on weight/waist (or size 4 based on height/chest, but that wasn't in stock). The Omer seemed to fit pretty well in general but was maybe a bit tight, so I'd like to try it in a size 4 as well.

Does anybody have advice on a good shop in San Jose or Santa Cruz where I could try on a range of dive suits (Mares, Omer, Cressi, Picasso, etc) and see what fits best? I'd also like some advice on the thickness I need for year-round spearfishing in Santa Cruz and Monterey. All I know is I wore a 4/3 surf suit the one time I went out and I was freezing after 2 hours. I'm open to any style/thickness recommendations from more experienced divers.
Also, in case it matters, you can probably tell from my measurements that I have almost no fat on me. So I assume that means I will need a slightly thicker suit to stay warm in the water right?
You may want to try a minimum of 5mm jacket/farmer john or pant combo. Some go for 7mm. My husband also has very little body fat and his 5mm Omer jacket/farmer john keeps him warm in Monterey waters. I have a bit more, ahem, insulation, but I also find that the 5mm is sufficient for comfortable diving. I would recommend opencell or smoothskin inside with a lined exterior.

As for shops, I can think of a few that might have what you're looking for, but shops often change suppliers. Most of the shops in Santa Cruz and Monterey are more scuba-focused, and their stock of Omer and the like are pretty slim. You may want to call around before visiting to ensure they have what you're looking for.

Custom suits are another option. Elios can make a suit to your specifications using your measurements and preferences for materials. It removes the guesswork from fitting because they make it to fit you like a glove. I priced one out a few years back and the cost was reasonable, and not too far from that of an off-the-rack suit. Just another thing to think about.
Reactions: zpearo

Thanks BatRay. If I did get the 5mm I would get it with farmer johns. If I'm getting a suit with just high pants, I'd have to go for 7mm I think. I've never tried on a suit with farmer johns before... is there any big difference in comfort? And do you have any experience whether a 5mm with farmer johns or a 7mm with high pants would generally keep you warmer (I assume legs stay warm without much problem from kicking)?

I'll check out Elios too. Any advice on materials? I just want to make sure I stay warm, since the water in Monterey is so cold!
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