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Whfew...DB is Back Up!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


tropical wuss
Sep 16, 2002
You had me scared a bit, Stephan. Felt like I lost a limb .

What happened?
server was hacked into - had to completely rebuild the server - He's still working on it as I type this
Server was down for around 12 hours, the DB sites for around 24 hours.

This was due to a major security breach on the server that, as Cliff has said, required a complete server rebuild. I'm just about ready to fall asleep in front of the computer here but it's mostly finished after a rather long (I think it's 16 hours although i've lost track) session reconfiguring things.

The sites should work properly now. Any problems report to me!

Also, any interent security experts who want to help out, let me know

May he (she or it) roast in a particularly hot section of hell.

Thanks Cliff, Stephan and anybody else involved. I appreciate this site more than I can express. This made me realize I don't have any other way to contact a lot of dbers, some ancient technology like a notebook and pencil for email addresses is my next move.

Thanks again

I was going through withdrawals. heh.
Checked the site about every 15 min for a while there....that's sad isn't it?
I was starting to go through withdrawals, too. The weather conditions are too crappy to spear in with Typhoon Lupit passing the island off to the east. The water off the east side of the island is the color of Yoo-Hoo and off the west side it's just too rough. Unusual, normally if one side is crappy the other side is beautiful.

Got so bored yesterday I even went shopping with the wife and kids.:head
Well i'm in day 2 of reconfiguring the server. I never realised how much stuff I had configured to run on the server and how much of a pain it is to recreate everything from scratch!

Anyway - it looks like we're in good shape now.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words of support here and over email. Now that we're back hopefully everyone can come out of "cold-turkey"!

I'll post any more updates as they happen here!
Reactions: flyboy748
Big 'attaboy' to you Stephan. It first-class sucks that you had to spend your holiday weekend cranking on the stupid computer. Must have been tough trying to keep your concentration with all those tryptophans swirling in your blood .

Seriously....thanks man.


*Oh wait! You're in Europe :duh. Guess you weren't downing any bird.
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Kudos to the Computer Wizards....

Hi Stephen, Cliff and DB Staff:
Add my thanks and appreciation for the hard work re-building the server/site. I'm no Computer Queen....so the revamp you gents worked to get back online are all the more deserving of Thanks.
Hope you all have a celebratory pint...or four. Whatever it takes.
Welcome to December!
I'll second those sentiments. Having lost systems in the past because of run of the mill stuff like drive crashes as well as viruses, I know how frustrating it can be to have to rebuild everything from scratch. It's that much worse for you guys when you have to invest all that time and sweat because some moron has nothing better to do than to vandalize your work.

To all the DB staff involved with maintaining this site, thanks for putting in the time and effort. I really do appreciate having access to DB.


A bit belated, but...

Thanks so much guys!! I went through a bit of withdrawal as well!

We LOVE this site! :inlove Thanks to all who work to keep it up and to those who contribute so much good stuff.

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