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Which bands do I use?

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Dive Dive Dive
Jun 25, 2006
I just got my first gun, a 50 inch titanium Wong hybrid and I have no ideas what bands to put on it and where to get them. I need to figure out length and diameter of bands, what kind of wishbone to use. Keep in mind I have never done any spearfishing before, so I am looking for something that would be sufficient yet simple enough for a newbie to work out.

I will be leaving Michigan next week to go Trinidad so I would need somewhere that would be able to service my band needs very quickly.

thanks guys
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Firt gun a Wong? Awsome!
I believe they use 5/8" or 16mm bands. As for length the usual formula is measure from the hole the band go through on the muzzle to the tabs on the shaft that the wishbone hooks up to. Multiply this by 2, then subtract the length of the wishbone. Now divide the number by 3 - 3.5 (depending on how tight you want them, I believe Daryl keeps them longish) then add 3/8" or 10mm for the cones (end bits of rubber you tie off).

There is an excellent thread over on Medfish that explains how to tie the bands http://www.medfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=244 It explains all there anyway so just follow the instructions and enjoy that gun ;)
I went with 5/8" Riffe Gorilla bands. I got one at 23" and two at 24". Hope that is about right.
Trini said:
I went with 5/8" Riffe Gorilla bands. I got one at 23" and two at 24". Hope that is about right.

Those would be good lengths of Wong bands, but they will be a little long using Riffe bands. Last I knew, Riffe used 6 inch wishbones and Daryl use three inch wishbones, so your rubber will be stretched 1.5 inches less per side, which is a lot for that short of a gun.

I'm curious- did you order the gun without bands on purpose? I do that, but it is my impression that Daryl provides bands standard with his guns.
So what does that mean for me? Does that mean I just spent mucho pesos on completely useless bands? Or will they still be able to work for me?
They won't be useless, but they just won't have as much power as possible. I would put them in the front two muzzle holes so that they stretch as much as possible.

You could always shorten the wishbones if you knew how to re tie them in the bands.
The best option would be to email Wong. He is a very nice guy and he will help you. I have a 55" hybrid and i love it.
Don't have that kind of timeline Greek, I will be departing Michigan for sunny Trinidad on Thursday mornin. And I already had to pay top dollar to ensure these bands reach before then.
drop the gun off in barbados, i'll take good care of it for u

u could allways get wong to send them to u via air, i think its 4 or 5 days to here from hawaii
I will be in Bim for crop over and I am planning on getting mucho scuba done, any ideas on good dive sites other than the stav and good dive ops?
A little update on the spearing, I tried some diving but because of the heavy rains had very little viz. It was around 5 to 7 feet of viz where as the previous lowest viz I ever dove in was 40+ feet, so I thumbed my first dive ever

But snorkelling around a jetty I realised just how big this learning curve is going to be. I berely managed to pull the first rubber all the way back on my first attempt at loading, but everytime I loaded back up it got easier and easier for me to do, pretty soon I should be loading all 3 bands and bagging myself some dinner.