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which bi-fin?

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Active Member
May 28, 2006

First of all I want to apologize for my english. I'm trying my best so that you can understand me.

I want to buy my first freediving fins, but I don't know which one is the best for me.

At the moment I'm only doing static and dynamic in the pool two times a week. Therefore I thought some Cressi Gara 3000 wold be OK (or the Gara 2000 HF...don't know). I think they are the most durable fins for the pool, the footpockets of Cressi are really good (at the moment I use some Cressi Pro Star) and they are really cheap to get.
But thinking of the future I considered that I could spend a little bit more money and buy some better fins.
I thought of some Special-Fins classic with a medium blade. The price is still OK, but I don't know if they are suitable for the pool and surface swimming (which I also do quite a lot).

I'm really helpless and it qould be great if somebody could help me. Trying out some fins to make a decision is unfortunately not possible, because it's really hard to get freediving fins here.

There are a bunch of threads right here under freediving/equipment on this topic specifically. I recall reading quite a bit about Gara 2000, 3000, LD (long distance) vs. HF etc, you will likely get to understand the pros and cons with this brand to start with.

If you want something better yet, I think carbon blades is what you are after. I got a second hand pair of C4s with Omer Millenium pockets and they are just great. Once you get your legs used to the effort, they feel like an extension to your body not a bit of drag. But the new ones are a bit expensive...

I think the cressi sub bi fins are good but you need to a pair of carbon fins. The C4 Mustangs are the hottest fins right now. However, i think all other carbon bi fins are very very good for you. Since it will be the first pair for you, buy the cheaper ones because i think most of us changed it quickly as we gained experience. Focus mainly on the hardness on the blade. If you are thin go for softer blades else go for medium. I think the most inportant thing is to get the correct hardness for your legs.
Hi, i think if you really want to have a high performanece fin, one of the most important issue it's the footpocket, if you want confort buy spearfishing footpockets, if you want confort after a period of training and high performance study the posibility to buy fins with monofin fotpocket "open heel".

Being honest you will improve a lot using fiberglass, bifins for finswimming can be a very good quallity/price ratio.

Best regards, Luis
I am using SpecialFins and am very happy with them. I do a lot of surface swimming, both here and in Hawaii, and really like my medium stiffness blades blue water models in Picasso footpockets. I'ved also been to 39 meters with them and had no trouble getting back up. Up here I use a 7 mm wetsuit with lots of weight, and have never had a problem with them being to soft when coming back from 20-25 m.
IF you ahve the money, go for fiberglass.
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