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Which fin? (help me!)

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New Member
Jan 6, 2006
Hi everyone! I'm Adil, writing from Turkey.This is my first entry in forum.I'll have a question about fins.Want to buy a pair of fins.Diving between 0 - 20 m.( following to trainings may reach 25 m.) and hunting in medium or long ranges from shore.Searched and decided Sporasub H Dessault and Omer Millenium.(actually want Omer bat 25 or C 4 but too expensive) Everyday reading both Turkish and foreign forum sites.But this confusing me cause of everyone says different things.Found many omer Millenium comp. users.Some say that it's good for up to 15 m. like Dobs says.But some say that, they're tiring after 2 hours at long range swimming.I dont have a boat, that's why I must swim and dive long ranges till arrive to shore.Last week watched spearfishing movie by Pipin uses Sporasub and saw him using them efficiently.At first I thought that, Picasso Black team but they say that they're tiring too.Actually looking for both resistant for broken (generally standing on rocks or hitting them uncarefully) and efficiently up to 20 metres.Upper metres of 20 m. needs carbon ones but they're both expensive and easily broken.Now must select one of them which I show as a sample.

Which one is better? Could you explain if anyone knows something about positive and negative sides of these fins.Or could you recommend me alternative ones? That's all for now.Thanks.Good hunting.
The Omer millennium are really not tiring at all, especially if you use the grey color blade (also called "millennium winter"), the softest of the series. I'm using them for spearfishing 0-20 mt and they're ok.
A more general advice before buying fins is to go to the store and try to wear them with 3mm socks on your feet: you must check if the omer or sporasub footpockets fits good to your feet. You may also check the numerous discussions about fins in Deeper Blue forum.
Greetings from frozen Italy
Hi Adil,

Welcome to DB.

The depths you are diving, any plastic fin will do fine. The most important thing is a foot pocket that is comfortable. If dessaults are still available, I'd go with them, but your foot might be different. You need to try them. Could be you will find that a Cressi pocket is perfect for you and well worth the lack of blade angle and inability to change blades. For long surface swims, an angled blade is very worth having, especially if the blade is stiff. For some divers, this is a big deal. For others, like me, its not all that important, but still nice. I think all the spora and omer plastic fins come like that. If it was me, I'd go for a soft blade, but it is very individual. You might be different.

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Yea, the Omer Milleniums would probably work ok. Get them in the "hard" flexibility because they will soften with time and use.....
go for a detachable foot pocket, i would recomend the Omer, but only if it fits your feet, then when youve got experience and more $$ you can bolt in a pair of carbon fins like C4 Falcon/flap
From what you have specified, this would probably be good piece of advice.
The depths you are diving, any plastic fin will do fine. The most important thing is a foot pocket that is comfortable.
Personally, I use Cressi Gara 2000HF. I do up to two miles surface swim, followed by photo sessions down to 40-ish m. I use them for pool intensive surface swimming training as well. Very comfortable and very robust. Had them for about four years now.
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