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Which fins to buy

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Hey everyone,

I'm new to this forum, but after having gone through MaKaVeLi's thread and read the answers from you guys, I decided to make a thread.
I have carried out free diving for about four years, but only for the fun of it, and primarily while on holidays.

During the last four years I have been using the Cressi-sub Frog fins, pretty basic and easy-to-use fins. They're great, but after having tried a monofin for the first time the other day, I decided to change direction and try one of them. Now the problem is, I don't know which one to buy. I am not going to spend a fortune, but a decent quality is still required. Something like 100-200$.

I don't like hard fins, the soft ones are somewhat easier to use, and since I'm only going to use the fin as a recreational diver, this should not be a problem.
Now, can any of you guys recommend a fin? The reason I used Cressi-Sub Frog as a comparison is because I hoped some of you have tried that one and would therefore be able to suggest something similar in hardness.

I hope someone can help me on this one,

Cheers Emerja
Like I said in MaKaVeL's thread, you can get a quality monofin from SpecialFins. For example the Monofin Dolphin (costs about 150 US). They are also available in different stiffness, the options are: soft, medium, hard and extrahard. You'd probably want a soft one.
Yea, SpecialFins are the awesome choice... I own some of their stereo fins and I am so satisfied that I will continue to buy from them.... go for it!

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