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which gun to buy

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ciao mate,

whats the shape like tornado? i saw only prices on aquasport.

Yeah i will have a chane to try new omer guns but i am pretty happy with my TOTEMSUB spearguns right now.:)

May i can get one 100 or 110 excalibur carbon for competition shooting.
OOOH I think i may just have to save my pennies and buy me one of them. 195 Euro, is that Retail price? sounds a nice bit of kit, pictures dont reveal much though.. Murat are you free some time? i went Octopus hunting sunday(7th), had the battle of my lifetime with a 1.7 kilo Occy at 8m.
spaghetti said:
--Hey, Galadion: have you seen the new Seatec Tornado railgun ? I saw it in my town's shop and it's impressing: same handle of the Gabbiano, same barrel of the Skua, open muzzle with 3 (three!) circular bands. Definitely a gun for amberjacks.

Hi spaghetti!

I' ve seen the gun up-close and I was really impressed by it although I don't understand why Seatec doesn't build it with an elliptic barrel like the Gabbiano. Apart from that, thumbs up for mr Grassi and his team (again)!
spaghetti said:
The Seatec is deadly accurate, a serious weapon, but a bit heavier than the others. .

to many good guns !
i am interested buying the Seatec Albatros
who sell this guns ?
someone know how are they
i want one for palamita (kingfish) & Arichole (amberjack)
I finally bought new gun so as Spaghetti said you've got right to see it.
So here's a beuty

The pics are taken with my mobile so quality is a bit bad.
And again thank's for advices about a gun
I hope i'll enjoy it
Beautiful, but still dry!! ;-)
and good idea the fluo tape on the handle

Have you ever purchased any thing from that web site ?
Do you know if they ship to United States, I've email them but got no reponse.
strangelove said:

Have you ever purchased any thing from that web site ?
Do you know if they ship to United States, I've email them but got no reponse.
Bought stuff two years ago, and it was all right. I'll ring'em up in the afternoon (it's not yet afternoon here) then pm you about they're shipping capability, ok?

(BTW: DB forum member Dave, too, deals the Albatross in England: www.spearo.co.uk)
Peter, i am free on some weekends, i couldn't dive for very long time, planning to go tomorrow to kaplica (davlos). Its like everybody catching dentex this year, they are plenty. Did you get any?
Hi Murat. Nice to hear from you , ive been out octopussing for the past couple of weeks, got a trade going with the local fish handler, he gets octopus from me and i get same weight in fish from him. saw a couple of denties but i only took the pneumatic with trident spear so no chance of hitting them so i leave them alone at the moment.
Anybody knows can i find somewhere english subtitles of Dapiran movies. I've got all of his movies in divx format, but i don't understand any of Italian language.
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Hello Peter,

Did you found octo this winter? many says they couldn't. The dentex you saw was big? In winter i took my 80cm speargun with me and i also can take acto with it or use hook. I am thinking to go diving again this weekend may be we can arrange something. My mobile phone number is 05428552893. I went to davlos yesterday. I shot 10 spinefoot (sokan) 4 sargo, one bug and 2kg seriola. Saw 7-8kg grouper but couldn't took it, it catch me at wrong time:head
Got your number, will call you. there are lots of octupus on this coast this year, looks like you had a good time also, you like spinies? Donna is up at arch house now on holiday with Martin,i may go and visit them sunday.

Take care
We can arrange diving together on Sunday, by the way Archouse is great place, was it you suggesting there to them? Probably i will dive tomorrow to shoot some more spinefoot, any yes i like spinefoot a lot, they are fun to hunt and also increase your aspetto technique
Can only do sunday morning Murat, its Mothers day, i will be shot from both sides if i go Fishing on Mothers day. But i have got clearance to go early as in, 6am untill 10am, thats 4 hours so i am going to go up to Esentepe again and go for octopus, Yes i did Book and recomend Arch Houses for Donna and Martin, we work with that Hotel a lot for our Guests.