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Which spear??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2004
Which spear holds fish better? Which spear do you prefer and why?

Your thoughts..:t

i like the tahitian better (the bottom one) i feel it is more accurate because it is one piece, never had holding fish roblems with it. i use the 6.75mm technosport or riffe, they are made of spring SS so dont bend easy, perfect for shooting grouper (the most common fish we hunt). They work very well with 18mm bands excellent speed and penetration.
when they get a little blunt from use/hitting rock etc... i just use a file on my swiss knife to sharpen them back.

I would think they are more accurate too since it sails thru the water with less resistance. I'm more familiar with the top picture, and Ive had great success with it. Is it easy to replace the flapper if it breaks?
I've used both and there are advantages and disadvantages to each. The single flopper does fly noticeably faster, penatrates better with less band power, and CAN be more accurate. I've also found it to be quicker and easier to remove from a fish. The disadvantages are that the flopper must be "tuned" properly, ie lay flat on the shaft in flight, open easily, and stay open. If not, the shaft can be inaccurate, and if the barb either doesn't open or doesn't stay open after hitting a fish, results in a loss.
The threaded twin barb will generally hold fish better, (assuming comparable wing span, as shown in your photo), opens more reliably, and can be replaced if trashed, without having to replace an entire shaft. It has the added benifit of allowing interchaneable tips for different fishing conditions. Twin barbs also require a bit more than half the distance on the back side of a fish to toggle. This is important when shooting fish up against rocks. The downside is that it really slows down a shaft, and punches a good sized hole, which is a bummer on smaller fish. These have been my experiences, and even though I hunt fish around rocks, I've pretty much gone with the single floppers for everything.