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Which video camera for Spearfishing ???

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Active Member
Jul 14, 2012
Bascially thats the question lads,i fancy filming my antics this year,i mostly hunt on the surface ,if that matters ?My mates are in the States ,so thats where it will be bought ,which should work out cheaper.
I believe the GoPro's are pritty good ,are they what most of ye use ?

The two most common ones are either go pros or contour roam.

The go pros have a lot more mounts available, but require a flat lens kit for underwater filming

The contours do not need a flat lens kit. Both are good cameras with a few different features. Let us know what you decide to go for
If budget allows then buy GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition.
Its better than others in low light conditions like underwater.
All Hero3 comes with flat lens divehousing! For Hero2 u need buy flat lens seperately ;)

Good luck!
A housing with a flat lens is available for the from GoPro GoPro2, I think they even have an underwater bundle that includes camera and flat lens housing.
GoPro discontinued the GoPro 2 as the "White Series" took its place as the entry level camera at only $199 and includes a flat housing as with all the new 3 series cameras.

I would recommend one of the Hero3 Series as they offer the most bang for the buck, high performance, lots of mounts, in a small package.
Already been mentioned. You won't get more bang for your buck than a gopro HD hero 3.
Be careful buying from America. The delivery man will slap customs and import charges when he delivers it to you
If you look at the link it states import charges $39.
Would still make it a cheap buy I reckon?
I can't comment on the quality of the cam unfortunately I've never used one. Plus I'm a hugggggeee GoPro fan
My mates just bought a hero 3 and I'm very jealous.
I've got a thing about having things that are just a bit different from the norm hence I make my own spearguns and drive an Alfa!.
The silver editions were on the Deals page of eBay a few days ago for £200, usually £280. Absolute bargain
Thanks for the input men,i've decided to go with a GoPro Hero 3 black,for $400 in the states ,thats about E 290.00 0r 240.00 sterling,which seems a bit of a bargain,may as well get a decent one at the start.
Has any one here used this camera and whats the quality of the videos like ?
Be careful of the tax and import charges mate. Made that mistake once, never again!!! Oh lord the embarrassment of UPS asking me for £60 on the door. Mortified.
Cheers Jay,but it will be imported in suite case by a u.s citizen,so customs can sod off,I'm been offered one of the following as a freebe ,1.red lens filter,2 magenta lense filter,3,spare battery pack or 4,a free 16 bit micro sd card
Which is worth the most ?and whats the idea of the filters ?
I'm thinking Battery package .
Definite battery pack. All the other bits are just...meh!

Battery pack all day long.
Nothing worse than seeing 1 bar on the gopro when you got a good few hours of fun left ill be getting another spare before I go to Iceland in April.
Type Silfra Freediving into YouTube. 100m+ visibility.