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Who are the weymouth spearo's on this??

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New Member
Apr 9, 2008
jus let me know who ya are will ya?? then ill have a clue, at the last bbq i had a load of names thrown at me, obviously none of them stuck in my head! anyone been out?? im finding portland harbour's usual hotspots very poor in these westerlys, but i have a nice new huntin spot which is providing me nicely! anyone else having trouble catchin the skatty as f##k fish up the bill??? im thinkin the porbeagles and seals are scarin evrything! ??? cheers
Not sure which BBQ you mean, but I'm a Weymouthion (but live in land now) so I guess I'm one
nar I missed that one - but I met the bambi's in the back of Podge's car!!
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I is from Summerzet but I dive the Portland and Weymouth area on the very occasional Sunday along with Jim (Stuckinsurrey on the forum) and most of the local Dorset Mafia.
wicky! anyone else struggling to get a decent catch up the bill this season? the fish ar soooo scatty! sharks an seals i think! anyway,still dont really know who anyone is!
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