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Who will win the womens Static competition?

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Who will win the Womens Static competition in Cyprus?

  • Natalia Molchanova

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Annabel Briseno

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Lotta Ericson

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Joanna Massacand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Julia Petrik

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Monica Hubbard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Katja Kedenburg

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sophie Passalacqua

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Karla Mendez

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Laura Tuominen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unknown or Outsider [Place your choice in a post below]

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
In the latest article by Pete Scott and Eric Fattah, in our lead-up coverage to the Sony FreeDiver Open Classic competition, we provide a list of the contenders for the mens dynamic competition in Cyprus.

However, not statisfied with our authors predictions we want to hear your votes for the person you think will win the Mens dynamic competition.

Vote above and then continue to watch our coverage to see if your prediction is correct!
I was pretty suprised at the alltime greatest female performances list which Eric and Peter published in their recent article.

I guess it only shows the results of the Cyprus competitors, but still.

In the recent comp I attended in Italy, the top 2 females reached 5.41 and 5.35 respectively. Retrospectively these were pretty strong performances!


do you have a link to the results from that Italian comp?

Yes, the majority of the women competing now have a lot of room for improvement, I think. Whether it's calibre or motivation, hard to tell, but I know several women here in Canada, who if they chose to compete could probably challenge for a WR.


Vancouver, BC
a freediver friend of mine told me yesterday about his girlfriend trying (dry) static for the first time. after a couple of short warm-ups, she did 6'10".... this was her first serious attempt at any form of breath-holding. she barely knew what freediving was until she met my friend. needless to say, they will be heading for the pool very soon! there must be literally thousands of people dotted around the globe with this level of natural ability.
I hope you guys realize how intense a competition is if you have never been in one.

I've followed all the hype about who was going to do what in Cyprus and nobody picked what really did happen.

It all comes down to the day and what you can do under the pressure of having hundreds of people around, from media to the judges sitting inches away from your face. Having them announce over the loud speaker, your name, counrty and announced performance, minutes away from your top time.

I watched Herbert do multiple 8:10+ statics and Timmo also do some in the 8:00 range and neither one got anywhere close. I have all the respect in the world for those guys and believe they are some of the top athletes.

It also goes for the women, they can do amzing numbers in training, but when it's game time very few can perform.

It happened to me, I was doing 7:00+ in training then on the day of the comp fell short, but I know what to expect. I get very nervous before every comp and I don't calm down until I hear the two minute count down start, then I force myself to focus. Then it's just do what I can do.

Anyway my $0.02

Actually, Laminar (in the freedive show articles) got 4/8 correct predictions. His 4 correct predictions were:
Women's dynamic: Natalia M.
Women's static: Annabel B.
Men's constant: Martin S.
Men's overall: Martin S.

His wrong predictions were women's constant, women's overall, men's static, men's dynamic.

In contrast, I only got 1/8 !!

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada

Yeah but Eric they were still top articles and got me pumped up, especially the wrap you guys gave Karl Pernett in the static one top work :cool:

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