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Why do some suffer from lung squeeze?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Tommy Engfors

New Member
Jul 29, 2003

First of all let me say what a wonderful community this deeperblue site has created! Thanks to all forum posters and others for keeping this place a mekka for information and civilized discussions.

One thing about freediving puzzles me though. I read this article (titled "Fear the Squeeze" under the medical section: http://www.deeperblue.net/article.php/321/19 ) about lung squeeze and how the author coughed up blood (sounds scary as hell). Despite precautions, the author suffered from this particular squeeze on two different occations. Both times at less than 50 meters (150 feet) of depth.

If that is the case, then how come some people (like Tanya Streeter) can go down to some 150+ meters (450 feet) without any apparent ill effects?

Why does it differ so much from individual to individual?

Man, you're not the only one to want an answer to that! It seems to me that many theorys exist on reducing the risk of "lung squeeze" however I haven't seen any touching the topic of who (if anyone) is predisposed to experience the squeeze. Some people never experience this problem, however I don't know if anyone knows what the difference is between those who do, and those who do not.

Wish I could help! I would appreciate others opinion on this topic as well!

Well, some of your questions can be answered from the fourth page of Peter Scott's article


If I understand it correctly, lungsqeeuze is at large caused by too much progress in depth in too short time and not enough stretching of the lung tissue, by training or (yoga) stretching.

The chance on lungsqueeze is not that much dependant on person to person, but more on training regimen.

I personally never experienced a lungsqueeze, nevertheless I know the thight feeling you get when diving deep. If I am diving in the summer, I would get this feeling below 35 metres, but today, after 2 months without diving, I already felt this at 25 meters. Due to the less amount of training in this period, my lungs where less elastic as during the summer with many deeper dives. Would I have pushed today through this feeling to 40 metres, I probably would get lungsqueeze...

Does this seem as a right answer?

Kind Regards,

Peter Scott's article is the best I've ever read on this topic, and his is the advice I use, along with a healthy dose of common sense I hope! I'm hoping that if I'm careful enough I'll never get a squeeze. I'm familiar with the tight chest/throat from doing negitave pressure dives, but haven't had it on deep dives yet. (not diving deep enough)

Definately good thinking Ric, thanks!

Peter's article is probably the best info on the topic available. I have also suffered a squeeze for the same reasons, and it's not pleasant. Just work your way down to the depths, including negative dives....you can squeeze in a 5 metre pool if you are reverse packing.
Erik Y.
DeeperBlue.com - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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