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Willing to meet freedivers in Miami

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New Member
Jan 6, 2007

I recently moved to Florida (I live in Holywood, FL) and I am willing to meet other freedivers around. I must admit I am a beginner, but I am very fit and do a lot of sport. I always learn new things very quickly. And I swim 20 min every morning for almost 2 years. The only previous experience I have was in Croatia, Europe. I was able to dive to around 30 to 40 feet with very bad and cheap fins. It sounds rather ridiculous compare to what I can read all over internet. But I am willing to improve quickly and I just bought myself these fins : Cressi-Sub Gara 2000 HF. It should change my peformance I think...

Let me know.


Welcome to the forums Ed. Unfortunately I just moved back from lauderdale so can't take you out personally. For freediving you could try Lauderdale by the Sea. The reef is split into three tracks each running parralell to shore south of the pier. It's fairly shallow but there is lots to see.

You could try sending a PM to Michael Antinori, he used to be in Lake Worth which is north of you. He's an awesome freediver, and a good guy.

Another way to meet divers might be to take one of performance freedivings courses down there. They generally attract locals and it's a decent place to meet people who are as dedicated to the sport as you are.

Again welcome aboard!
Try Spearboard go down to Fl Keys/
Miami you will find alot of good people who free dive all the time and you learn alot from them.
If I had more time I would be out but that's not for a couple of more months.
Good Luck

My name's Mario. I spear as often and as long as I can. I was looking through the forums because I am looking for a dive buddy to travel with in the near future, possibly march 2nd through the 9th, June 17th through the 23rd, or August 5th through the 24th. I am absolutely dying to travel to South America and fish the Carribean or the Pacific. I'm a student at Florida State University and try to go home (Miami) as often as possible to fish, but lately I've really had the itch to travel and spear old school style - camping on a beach and renting a cheap boat or a kayak. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, or if you're looking for someone to fish locally with shoot me a line brother. You can instant message me on AIM at Mario424.

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