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Wisconsin 15/16/17

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Dairyland diver
Apr 7, 2001
There were a couple of posts in another thread about diving this weekend.

Is anyone going and, more important, is there any visibility in any lake anywhere right now? this constant rain, and east wind, has pretty much trashed everything from what I've seen.:head

If anything looks good Sunday would be the better day for me, but I could possible get away on Saturday if need be.

I may go for a dive with my camera or speargun at Lake Geneva after work (around 3:30) on friday (and maybe on sat. and sun. as well - depending on weather and mood) .
The only problem is that I have to stay rather shallow since I don't have a boat or kayak. Then again, all the fish hangs out at shallows anyway

You are welcome to join. The visibility is ok and theres TONS of rock bass and perch to shoot
I went to fontana today sorry i missed the post water was great visability was great. I SAW the biggest bass i have ever seen in a lake in southern WI i was done diveing and for some odd reason decided to swim under the dock at the public beach it was approx 2 ft. in size basking in the sun in aprox depth of 3ft. Thoughts of eating this fish on the grill were entertained. I think this fish could be many great photo shots for you Nick or Jon or perhaps a great tourist money maker get your picture taken with the monster of the lake. I also saw a dead fish sunk in aprox 8 ft water not sure what kind had a large mouth and had some type of feelers around mouth did not appear to die from trauma hope pollution was not the causitive agent. The water for me is always like a great rejuvinater hope you guys are able to dive this weekend
I'm glad that you liked it Rob and yes, some of those basses are real monsters, hmm... I wonder if it's legal to use a fishing rod underwater to catch them

Anyway, I've decided to skip diving today as the wind really kicked in, hopefully it'll be much nicer in the next couple of days.

Oh, and btw, I prefer diving just in front of "Water Safety Patrol" building in Williams Bay, it's really nice and quiet over there.


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Nick thanks for map and photo perhaps we will be able to dive together sometime i am off next weekend if this fits your schedule
On sun. I'm working untill 3:30pm, after that depending on weather
I am looking to go next weekend if anyone sees an opprotunity!

I would like to camp out overnight due to my drive time getting up by you all but let me know.
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